Worldwide Davos Meeting To Discuss ET Disclosure

by metatron 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The deactivation of nuclear weapons by ET's is perhaps the most hopeful event of the 20th century.

    There are some lesser events that they could be causing, as with the unexplained disappearance of Israeli fighter engines (F-15 and F-16, 18 months apart).

    I keep saying, there are bizarre things happening that the mainstream media don't report.


  • EntirelyPossible

    There are some lesser events that they could be causing, as with the unexplained disappearance of Israeli fighter engines (F-15 and F-16, 18 months apart).


  • Bobcat


    Concerning the engines, here is a report.

  • EdenOne

    I once talked with someone who was pushing the "alien conspiracy theory" onto me, but at the same time rejected the existence of angels or demons, because that is "pure mythological fantasy" .... huh....say again?


  • james_woods

    BOTH are "pure mythological fantasy", Eden One.

    There is an intellectual freedom in realizing this, and admitting it to yourself.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Metatron, for this thread.

    Prodigal Son:

    I have watched the entire 80 minutes of the Phil Schneider interview/commentary.

    Your observations or those of any other poster would be greatly appreciated. I took notes and would like to examine some of the claims made and get your input.


    Compound Military Complex

  • EntirelyPossible

    How do you make the leap from "engines taken away on trucks" to "aliens"?

  • dazed but not confused
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Please Google "Robert Hastings" regarding his interviews with military personnel.


  • Bobcat


    How do you make the leap from "engines taken away on trucks" to "aliens"?

    If you are asking me, I don't. (Unless, of course, you count Chinese and Iranians as "aliens" to Israelis. I imagine to anyone who was capable of traveling across the galaxy, an F110 turbofan would seem hopelessly antique and inefficient. It might be suitable for an alien museum of sorts.

    Making contact with persons of another world, or even finding positive proof of such would be a spectacular find. But I think most 'sightings' can be more easily explained by other things. And the mysterious sightings and supposed evidence that remain are too furtive. More like someone was trying to make you think that, but without actually allowing any positive identification.

    The immense physics involved in providing transport across light-years of space, only to play hide and seek with humanity afterwards doesn't make sense to me. Either they would stay hidden and observe (ala Star Trek's non-interference policy) or they would reveal themselves (either as hostiles or as friends).

    And if their intention was to reveal themselves, it would, to me, seem to be 'the sooner the better.' If as 'friends' hoping to help us, 'sooner' would mean keeping us further from the precipice of self-destruction. If as 'hostiles,' 'sooner' would mean having to contend with less human ability to fight back.

    To be sure, the subject inspires possibilities and conjectures and dreams. And I like reading about those possibilities. But reality seems to be more mundane.

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