by AuntConnie 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntConnie

    We have special seating arrangements in my Kingdom Hall where other families know they are not to go near them! A trouble making family would intentionally take our seats until we made their life hell by lying about them. They left our Paradise Kingdom Hall and now I am working on changing the color of our the seats(Purple, Scarlet) the elders and elderettes will be sitting on. We want everyone to know we are different from the others, we are not fellow workers with those low hour or irregular witnesses.

    Designated Seats For The Future Prince and Princes Of The New System!

    I hate when I am running late to the Kingdom Hall and some family has taken my seats I usually take. I like my seats near the back of the Kingdom Hall even though the Kingdom Ministry thinks' they should be used by parents with young children or newborns. My husband and I need them to watch who is paying attention and who is not. With all the busy work done during the Kingdom Hall Book Study and Theocratic Ministry School my husband his other elders can slip into the hallway to talk or gossip about important matters. They avoid listening to the Ministerial Servants give their parts, they laugh and chat loudly because only the Circuit Overseer deserves the full attention of the roving Kingdom Hall elders walking in and out during "parts", "songs" and even "pray". Why should I pay attention if the elders are too busy or have no respect for anyone but their own part or announcements or letters?

    I want gold embroidered seats with purple, chain locked until the elders and elderettes with proper spiritual clearance arrive and are seated. Circuit Overseers, elders and elderettes have access to these seats and they would sit higher off the ground than everyone else's seats. We have eight elders and four Pioneers, sixteen special seats sitting two feet or higher above the ground would distinguish us from the others. No more rug rats running past our seats, a Kingdom Hall usher would prevent rabble from bothering our spiritual program and remove crying babies quickly outside handing their parents a wooden maple paddle. Install eight Bose Ear head sets and wireless "Instant Gossip Pads" since our husbands are outside or malingering in the hallways, they don't need to listen to the program unless the Circuit Overseer comes to town, and than they can at least pretend to pay attention.

    After the nightmare at my Assembly, I thought the Watchtower could pay for the old wooden maple paddles to spank children not paying attention or crying saying "I am so bored!", "I am hot mommy!". The Halls are hot because publishers are not donating enough money, they can't afford to turn the air conditioner on to a reasonable range, only in the Balcony areas of Sport's Arenas. Elders and their wives with a pedigree would be in Box Seats or the Club House with drinks and a catering service. Keep Climate Controlled environment where the weak publishers can get "make up field service time" by dressing as maids or butlers serving us with our little hand held binoculars used in the Theater, Opera style? Let them count their time serving the elite Jehovah Witness Special Forces as "field service". I drank a little too much gin tonight, I might not be sounding like I want to come across.

    I raved about the issues and gross injustices I endured at the 2012 "SAFEGUARDING YOUR HEARTS" CONVENTION". My chief grievance was that single mother with her five little nuisances. She forgot to put Ritalin in their Capin Crunch Cereal because they were climbing the walls from boredom. They should have been listening intently to the "sayings of life" Jehovah's Anointed Speaker provided the audience. The mother were too focused on her whimpering children. I counted four children out of the five playing video games. These little unappreciative Vidiots (ages ranging from three to seven years old were playing Leapster Leap Frog learning games) were not listening to the Speaker, not following the Bible scriptures cited and their constant "pardon me, excuse me, pardon me!" taking them to the bathroom and water breaks drove me on the verge of insanity! If I had a bottle of Valium, I would have swallowed it whole with a bottle of cheap Gin! We deserve special seats, high up above from the loud unappreciated Witnesses.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    I seriously doubt everything you say. And so does dancing fat man.

  • AuntConnie

    Crisis of Con, my husband is bigger than him and dances much better. "The more the cushion, the better the pushing" he alway's says!

  • AuntConnie

    Macarenna, AckeyBrakeyHeart, Disco, Country he glides like a angel, light on his feet.

  • Crisis of Conscience
  • AuntConnie

    You be good COC, I like you alot!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Elders and their wives with a pedigree would be in Box Seats or the Club House with drinks and a catering service.

    Been like that for years at our conventions. I really enjoyed the reserved, climate controlled, Club Box seating when I was a memer of the Clergy Class. (I just hated that the liquor cabinets were locked!)

    I figured it was a real kindness for my family to use them, as it provided a greater choice of seating in the general admission sections for the R&F publishers.

    Aunt Connie, some of your "new" ideas make me think that you are new to this Organization and how it has worked for years. You won't change it.


  • Perry


    Just try a new church.

    Leave the poison, take the cannoli

  • perfect1

    This is a good idea.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I was asked to move wife and children to make room for the Traveling Overseeres (we had a bethel spokesman, district and circuit overseer, the boe were scared as hell.), the clock began to tick "How can these be Jehovah's True Witnesses with huge gaps in class identities?" until the next stumbling block waas placed under my feet.

    The back seats of the kingdom hall are suppose to be for parents with young babies (easy access to the baby changing station, drinking fountains, or the door in the event the parents want to leave without making a sudden scence), disabled or elderly whose bowels have their own minds at night. Not for those who want or desire the flickering "E-L-D-E-R, with a fast three "ELDER ELDER ELDER" back to "E-L-D-E-R!!!" Neon Signs!

    Unfortunate for most parents and elderly with stomach and toliet problems, the back four to five rows are taken by two families with fifty members. I know the Horton (name changed) married into their second cousins, "four deep" creating their own kingdom hall in the kingdom hall. New members lamented the Hortons and Jokesters never would socialize with anyone who was past second cousins, leaving third cousins and outsiders alone.


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