They Are Just Like The Amish (But with Electricity)

by OnTheWayOut 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was describing Jehovah's Witnesses to a family member who had no idea whatsoever about them. I may be straightforward and describe things in terms I have learned since reading about cults, but I was not over the top in any way. I was simply stating the facts in a way that did not try to put any positive spin on anything.

    My family member said, "So they are basically the Amish but with televisions and electricity." I wasn't quite there with her, so I asked for an explanation.

    "There are some Amish who would like to be isolated from the rest of the world, they generally think outsiders are the scum of the earth, but they put a big smile on their faces and go out there and welcome outsiders to buy their pies, baskets, quilts, furniture, and the like. They don't tolerate any independence in their ranks and they shun anyone who doesn't follow their rules."

    I thought further about this. JW's put that big smile on their face and welcome outsiders to "buy" the literature. Other than the recruiting factor, it is similar to the Amish.

    Also, community is everything to the Amish. They do isolate themselves when they are not selling their pies. Not all Amish work with/for other Amish. They work for outsiders often. Like JW's, they sponge off of society and allow others to protect them, fight wars for them, establish law and order and community services for them, then despise those that provide all this for them.

    Young people tend to leave the Amish, just as with the JW's.

    Like all comparisons, this one isn't perfect. Still, it would save time to tell people that JW's are like the Amish, but with electricity. They have dress codes and behaviour codes and don't tolerate members straying from the rules.

  • ldrnomo

    So you could say the Amish are "Jdub's unplugged"

  • TMS


    I've been using the Amish comparison for a while. Many are familiar with the fascinating ex-Amish programs on TV so understand the similarities. The high control, the shunning, the need to placate the elders. . . all are similar. In contrast, I never felt that Mormans and JWs were that similar EXCEPT for the proselytizing. The Mormans encourage higher education, business success and even network to help each other in those areas.


  • OnTheWayOut
    So you could say the Amish are "Jdub's unplugged"

  • lovelylil

    Yes I agree with the Amish being similiar to JW's. My daughter says its because they are both puritan based religions? Meaning they oversimplify teachings of the church and believe seeking any pleasures of the world is displeasing to God.

  • recovering

    There is a difference the amish allow a period for their young people to try the outside world with no reprucusions. Only after that are they allowed to get baptized

  • mrquik

    Is there a "JW Mafia" program in the works?

  • OnTheWayOut

    TMS, great thoughts. I think JW's have more in common with Amish than with Mormons also. Still, a cult is a cult. So there are many ways they are alike also.

    lovely lil, excellent additional comparisons.

    recovering, that is true. Most JW's do their outside world stuff secretly with all kinds of repercusions if caught.

    mrquik, I hope so. I would love for South Park to do the JW story like they did the Mormon story.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    recovering: There is a difference the amish allow a period for their young people to try the outside world with no reprucusions. Only after that are they allowed to get baptized

    Only the boys get to sow their wild oats; not the girls.

    I live in Lancaster County, PA -- Amish Central -- and I've come to dislike the Amish for the very reasons OTWO gave. And the Amish only allow education up to eighth grade. The elders like to keep them unaware of the benefits of higher education. Were it not for their "quaint" clothing, horse-and-buggy transportation (a traffic hazard BTW), and farming, they wouldn't merit a second look from the public.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I too live near an Amish community. I started reading books about the Amish, FLDS Mormons and Scientologist. I started to see how similar the JW's are to these religions and this is what started me on my way to waking up. It made me see how much alike they all are because they are all cults and use shunning and mind ccontrol.

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