Do the "friends" tend to project their views onto others?

by magotan 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • magotan

    I see this all the time.

    "Those worldy people are so lost" - Utterence of any sort of familial hardship; divorce, ect.

    (DF'ed person is seen in a public setting) "They look so sad, they don't have Jehovah's blessing". How do you know if they're sad or not? You can't even talk to them!

    The elders tend to make statements on thought processes when they "counsel" you - you don't know how I think at all! That's now how I felt!

  • Satanus

    Dubs do that because the wt fills their minds at least 3 times a week w that kind of stuff. Dubs only 'know' what the wt corp tells them. In reality, few dubs even know themselves. Selknowledge comes before knowledge about others. Even then, there is very little that we really know.



    Normal People Listen to what Your Thinking..

    JW`s ..

    "TELL YOU" what Your Thinking..

    They`re willing to Argue About It..

    ..........................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • magotan

    I get irritated when I get told "Isn't this beautiful?" from the platform when some sentimental story is told about the JW's in a positive manner, or something banal and mundane is passed off as something much more.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That kind of projection goes way into overdrive at DCs from the opening, "We rejoice to be together for the 'God's Happified Rejoicers' Discrap Crapvention! [applause]" to the closing, "We are so grateful to have enjoyed these 3 ass-numbing days of scripted speeches, phoney demonstrations, exaggerated interviews, and association together with our happifying brotherhood. [applause]" Ugh.

    And the tone of the magazines is written as if lecturing dim-witted children. Talking down and telling the reader what to think.

    So what can you expect from elders when they "counsel" you, or other JWs for that matter? It's all about the 'group think' and mind control that go with the cult territory.

  • InterestedOne

    From start to finish, that's all my JW acquaintance ever did with me - told me what I was thinking, what my motives were, etc. I think it's built into the way the literature is worded. It establishes what people's feelings will be before they even have them. Here are a couple of examples: 1) I remember in a KM it said the last District Convention was just what we needed and the upcoming one will also be just what we need. 2) The last memorial invite said "How do you view Jesus? You are invited to hear the answer." Think about that wording for a second.


    Wasn`t that a Fine Talk?!..

    You answer..

    "What do you remember the most about it?".

    Then they give you The Look.. No Answer,just The Look..

    The Look that Says:

    The Talk was So Boring..

    I Zoned Out..

    ................................ mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • cptkirk

    This makes me think of brainwashing 101, and believe it or not, even now in the information age, brainwashing 101 still works on A LOT of people. If you ever want to understand how it works, just record a guy or girl going through their daily activities. record everything....getting dressed, making food, getting in car, going to work, saying hello to people as pass by, open drawers , go on elevator....just every mundane thing that you can think of. then just plug in a mic and do a play by play over the video, but now, this is no longer a person just going through the daily grind, now this is a person making calculated decisions at every twist and turn, because they need to escape the country unseen by 6 oclock! just explain every mundane decision except with a nefarious ulterior motive now. this sums up a lot of witness behavior, if they only knew how absolutely goony they were.

    this was done to me a lot in the jdub borg. they portrayed me as someone that i wasn't even close to i was really just this worldly guy who just wanted to do the minimal so that my ass was saved on judgement day. so they basically got so obsessed with me (utterly obsessed), that they read into every move i made, and just didn't matter, they were convinced and that was the end of that. i was one of the "be careful of who you associate with within the borg" people......didn't matter what i said or what i did, it was all evil to them. if i said the bible really says that the world will end during a time of peace, then i was an apostate, didn't matter than knorr says this on a dvd they put out in 2009. these people just keep getting deeper and deeper into the madness of seeing negative things happen to make them happy, because that must mean god is about to wipe most of humanity out except them.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh yes they do in a big way. Usually smug while explaining their view on whatever as they back up their point via an article in the Awake. It doesn't work responding in any way. They are speaking God's thoughts, they're right

  • blondie

    Outlaw, I used that technique when people would say, "that was a wonderful talk." I would ask them what point stood out for them....blank look, same thing when the WT overseer would commend me on my comments."

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