Molested By a Governing Body Member Interview with Mark Palo
by BlindersOff1 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Coming from Rick Fearon? Oh gosh, I'd believe aliens flew out of elvis's butt before believing him.
Randall Watters also has a video interview of Mark Palo
Mr Palo can easily be contacted through Facebook
I listened to an audio interview on YouTube about two years ago and Mr Palo comes across as credible. He seems to be an intelligent man and does not come across nutty at all. He testifies that he was molested by Leo Greenlees, former member of the Governing Body when he was a child.
We already know that Leo was a homosexual, which is a BIG no-no for the JWs. Adding this to the mix just makes the accused-sins of these men mass even up higher still.
The YouTube clips I listened to are on under "Media".
I personally never watched the interview with him and Rick refernced above. Listening to his story once was enough, it's not pleasant the torture this man went through.
William Penwell
I recall Leo Greenlees giving a talk at a district converntion and he had on a light lime green suit with white shoes on. You think he is gay?
I remember hearing Mark Palo's story even before Rick Fearon came out of the JWs.
Lets not confuse homosexuality with pedophilia though. Most homosexual men are interested in consensual sex with other men and do not rape little boys. Leo Greenlees was a pedophile.
I attended a gathering with Mark Palo there some years back and I believe the guy is credible. Sad story really.
the thing is it was known what these "men" were before they were appointed
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
That story is simply disgusting. Not only do they not disfellowship him, but send him off with a special pioneer stipend, ostensibly to enable him to keep his silence. They should have called the police. But no, a scandal like that might have hurt the donations that were pouring in.
We need those files..........