Df'ing is not about death it is about silence. It is a convenient label that means that you are dangerous to the organisation and that association with you may encourage others to question their faith. By giving you a convenient label they effectively build a symbolic wall around you that prevents you being seen and heard and they use it as a tactic to bully you into submission.
What does Disfellowshiping really mean?
by nolongerconfused 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Being Df'd means that your JW family and friends will no longer have anything to do with you.
You MAY get a call if a family member has died, but even that's an iffy.
If you are DF'd for a regular sin (smoking, fornication, etc...) you may get some encouraging words if you accidentally run into a Witness, but that's not a guarantee.
If you are DF'd for apostasy, you become spiritual poison, and all will avoid you like the plague.
If you are still living with JW family member(s), such member(s) will be greatly uncomfortable in your presence until you and they get used to the situation. Unless it's your spouse, in which case your marriage will need lots of attention if you hope to hold on to him/her.
Wish I had better news to tell you.
This is classic Nugget & should be spray painted, some dark nite,
across the front of every KH!
Df'ing is not about death it is about silence. It is a convenient label that means that you are dangerous to the organisation and that association with you may encourage others to question their faith. By giving you a convenient label they effectively build a symbolic wall around you that prevents you being seen and heard and they use it as a tactic to bully you into submission
It means you have willingly turned your back on Jehovah and his earthly congregation. We are the dogs that have gone back to the vomit.
Who cares. Wouldn't want to live with those people forever.