Do you remember those articles called "What is the meaning of life?". There was almost one in every Watchtower and books such as "Live Forever" had chapters devoted to the subject. I think there was a picture of some lonely guy looking out to sea across a sunset with that typical witness depressed but joyfull look.
Any way, I was thinking to myself after finding such an article on the web that I haven't been pre-occupied by such questions since leaving the borg. It's almost as if the "truth" left me with more questions than answers - and I was constantly pondering deep questions including that of life's meaning.
Perhaps the constant dwelling on the fact that life SHOULD have some clearly defined and eloquently stated meaning actually kept these questions near the surface of my sub-concious, instead of allowing myself to actually enjoy life for what it is.
I noticed a while back, many exiting the truth whether keeping their religion, or like myself, turning atheist were posting questions here such as "what is the meaning of life"?
What I wanted to know is, who else here feels that as time has moved on, they have become more satisfied with their lives and no longer search for the answers to deep and often meaningless questions such as this?
meaning of life questions
by ballistic 11 Replies latest jw friends
What's the meaning of life? Who knows, who cares. I enjoy myself as it is and that's more than good enough for me.
Back down the bullies to the back of the bus
Its time for them to be scared of us -
My stepmother lives by a philosophy of what is, is. Sorta gets me through sometimes. I also find comfort in the serenity prayer -
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Dwelling on the "meaning of life", I think is somewhat foolish and self-centered.
That link is great Eman, really interesting. I will say however, that my point was that I NO LONGER question the meaning of life now I am not a JW.
What is the meaning of life anyway? To go to meetings and go out in service? Yuck, I don't think so.
Now that I'm not a Dub, those questions don't bother me. The question, "what is the meaning of life" seems so obvious that it doesn't have to be examined. You have life to live.
That probably doesn't make any sense but hey, I'm tired. Deal with it! hee hee
Nathan Natas
I guess that I just assumed that after The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy the question was answered.
- Nathan Natas, UADNA
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America) -
Hehehe, 42!
Back down the bullies to the back of the bus
Its time for them to be scared of us -
Nathan Natas: Is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy any good. I was just in an English Lit class where one group of the class had to do a presentation on it. They said it started really slow. It seemed a little odd...Is it worth reading?
Meaning of life? "Life is a shit sandwich; the more bread you have, the easier the shit goes down your throat." - unidentified vagrant, Huntington Beach, California, circa 1990