So where is all this supposed worldwide persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by Reality79 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Reality79

    For years, it was drummed into our heads that the whole world lies in the hands of the wicked one who hates us and a result, mankind particularly hates the JWs with a passion.

    Now that I think about it, I've seen very little evidence of that. I mean yes, in places like Malawi, Germany and some other countries the witnesses have been through REAL persecution - not the type that the average dub would call it like doors being slammed in the face. But what have they experienced that many other religions in other countries haven't? How is the persecution unique?

    Other than that, they're not even on the average person's radar. Unless someone has been directly affected by the witnesses i.e. losing a member to the cult who greatly limits association with once close family relatives or friends, no one even talks about them. They claim that as this system draws to an end there will be more media lies and hostility directed at them etc etc, but the Candace Conti case was the last time I've personally seen anything about them in the media....and even then, what was reported was factual. Apart from a few jokes here and there, I don't see or hear anything about them where people are plotting to kill them or expressing outright hatred.In fact, even when there has been anti-JW sentiment expressed online, I see just as much sympathisers and defenders of where is all this super strong worldwide hate exactly? By the way they used to talk about, I would have thought that by now there would be newspaper articles and media outlets damn near encouraging everybody to slaughter the first JW they see!

    I don't talk much about my JW past, but when I have, people generally just shrug their shoulders and say that they don't know that much about the witnesses at all. Of course there are people who hate JWs, but in generally most people are simply indifferent and don't even care about them. A year ago, when an old JW friend of mine was saying that witnesses are the "most hated religion", I said that is not true at all. I said that no one can tell me that people in general hate JWs more than the muslims post-9/11. Apart from expressing annoyance at being woken up in the mornings, or the blood issue, people in general don't really have an issue. They'd just rather the witnesses kept to themselves.

    It's no wonder most witnesses have a persecution complex and are totally paranoid when the GB is feeding them this unhelathy nonsense. I'm really supposed to believe that one day out of the blue, the governments and the majority of people who have a million other worries and much bigger fish to fry are just gonna suddenly pick up any weapon they can find and hunt down witnesses like animals in the woods? Just to think I wasted so many years of being afraid of this b.s. scenario. SMH.

  • flipper

    JW's don't realize it- but the alleged " persecution " is coming from WT leaders, the governing body, and the writing committee saturating down into the congregations like Nazi fueled silent napalm bombs

  • Ding

    Most people in the US don't know what JWs believe and don't care.

    They just want JWs to leave them alone.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Recently, I met a JW who said "Satan is persecuting JW's by all the good jobs requiring higher education"... Seriously.

    JW's can use anything that makes them have a bad day be persecution by Satan, most other people would think these things were just life.

  • Reality79

    Recently, I met a JW who said "Satan is persecuting JW's by all the good jobs requiring higher education"... Seriously.


  • dazed but not confused
  • ABibleStudent

    JWs are only persecuted by the WTBTS and its leaders. Doesn't the WTBTS and its leaders excel at using BITE control to victimize JWs?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • jam

    "Where is all this supposed worldwide persecution of JW,s",

    from us, wicked Apostates.

  • jgnat

    Once in a while I google the site to see what persecution the Witnesses are going through lately. They are a religious minority who experience persecution. Not here in North America though.

    Witnesses are not the only group experiencing persecution of course.

  • problemaddict

    JW's are in fact persecuted. They are just not persecuted more than others. Much of the persecution from their fellow protestant or cathic based religions, happened earlier in the 20th century, and in many catholic countries can still happen on a small scale.

    JW's have been beheaded in the Phillipines. JW's are not given equal treatment in some eastern block countries.

    I know what youare saying......that it is a drum beat that doesn't sync to anything. I agree. But there is persecution. It just isn't only for JW's. in other words, this supposed proof of God's favor (attack from Satan or what have you) applies to many many other religions.

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