Just wondering, do Christians feel animals can be demonized? I wonder, as I have some questions about demonized. Does the demon become the person, and send the person packing to some sort of waiting room? If so, do the animals also stay in this waiting room and are they able to communicate or explain their situation? I wonder, as if this is the case, can they actually be in the same room as a human spirit? I am only curious, as I really like my dog and he is an amazing friend. If you have ever had a Golden Retreiver, you know they are born to please. Just wondered, should I allow a Christian to perform a exercism on him to be safe? I wouldn't want to think my best friend was a demon dog and the real dog was actually a untrained house wetting jerk, who bites and chases mail men. Just wondering, so can demons possess animals?
Animals demonized
by free2beme 31 Replies latest jw friends
good question. what if the dog was adopted and came from a home that practiced spiritism. maybe the animal barely escaped being ritualistically sacrificed. would the dog be haunted? maybe just throw away his old collar? change his name to solomon? it gets all so confusing.
nuthouse escapee
Free2beme. I guess it would depend on whether a Christian believes everything written in the Bible. According to the gospel accounts of Christs ministry he expelled demon(s) from a possessed man and they entered a herd of swine that then jumped off a cliff. On a side note, we had an elder who said we shouldn't watch the movie "The Ghost and the Darkness" because the lions in the movie were supposedly possessed. If one believes that people can become demon-possessed then I suppose any living creature could be possessed. It boils down to what you personally believe on this matter. Sometimes animals, like people, are just not quite right in the head. -Leslie
So which animals are we talking about here?
Just dogs? Pigs maybe? Lions? Do the demons have standards in the animal pocession process?
What about fish? Snails? Parakeets? What about if you went to the zoo and all the animals were controlled by demons!! Maybe zoo keepers should get their zoos exorcised on a regular basis - just to be on the safe side.
And then there's all that bacteria that lives all around us and on us and in us. What if those demons take over the bacterial hordes that dwell in and on our bodies? Hundreds of millions of demons living in our intestines - that can't be good.
Oh, I never thought about one cell life forms. That could explain a lot!!!!
Don't forget, it's not just animals.
FACT: Demons are faster than the speed of light, and know if the evil bit is set on a packet transversing a multi-channel fiber cable to your home. If you download a demonic picture, the demons WILL transverse the internet and find you.
Don't download that demon!
- Lime
What, you've never seen "The Thing"? "Fallen"? Girl, you need to get out more. See a movie... or two.
A doulos of Christ,
SA, wondering why a demon would even want to possess a beast on its own, given the limitations of the vessels of beasts (can't talk, no thumbs... well, some can bite... but what purpose would that serve?). Yet, some folks apparently DO think that excessive howling at the moon is "cool", so that might be a reason, at least for occupying wolves...
Uhhh...Aguest... uhh... Mathew 8:30...
Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. 31 The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.”
The demons apparently... wanted a herd of pigs to be sent to... for some reason.
I have no idea why demons would want to or not want to posess an animal, any more than they would want to posess a book at a garage sale or fairy wings bought at the local Hot Topic... and for some reason they couldn't possess the pigs without Jesus's permission or something. It wasn't a very long-lived possession, granted - all they did was immediately run the animals off a cliff. Seems like a pretty stupid and pointless story to me, but whatever. Pigs are filthy unclean animals in the culture the story was written, so it must make some sense in that context. Pigs were probably bought at Hot Topic back then.
- Lime
The word of my Lord to you, dear HOL (peace to you!) is that swine were "unclean" animals and so the only "place" for Legion to go, at the time... other than the abyss, which they didn't want. They thought that that would at least allow them to remain in this world, albeit in swine. What they didn't count on was the swine running into the sea... which confined them (the demons, which would have left the swine once those died. Similar to what occurred with the Nephilim during the Flood).
He said you could have known this yourself, had you only asked him. I said I would pass that on.
A doulos of Christ,
Oh good, I was afraid the pigs were hurt in the making of that story.
Besides aren't pigs currently like.. the nineth smartest creatures on earth and bacterially cleaner than cats and dogs? Eh, whatever. Pigs dead, demons thrown to the abyss, that's some hard-hitting reality there. Brilliant.
- Lime