Wha happened ? your on a roll
Jus' when I could catch a breath, there you go again
by OneDayillBeFree 24 Replies latest jw experiences
Wha happened ? your on a roll
Jus' when I could catch a breath, there you go again
Hey OneDayI'llBeFree.. can I use this for a book I'm writing? It made me laugh SO hard and I would appreciate it GREATLY.
"there islife saving information in the magazine"... about the internet????
that's exactly what would bug me. they tell us the urgency of our message then give us presentations from this months magazine like "can you trust your drinking water", "how to dig a sanatary ditch from your hut" , the radio what a marvelous invention! "but it could peak their interest" they say.
Hey yeah you can use it! That would be awesome! (as long as I get a free signed copy of the book! Haha) jk ;)
Great story..funny but sad.Or sad but funny,I don't know which way..