A keyboard confessional...

by nibbled 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nibbled

    Hi there. You guys don't know me, I'm new here. I'm typing on an iPhone (pardon any random weird iPhone auto-spell corrections) and could walk home to get to my laptop but I might lose the courage to post what comes to my heart to share right now. Worse and more likely, I'll simply not be able to express what I felt right now... If I wait until I have a proper keyboard.

    I was searching my email for one I sent to my mother which I was going to share with two separate threads. One who is asking what she should do, another because they're sick to their stomach. You get the idea.

    I drinking a glass of wine sitting eating dinner in a major metro area (alone; not lonely) and thinking this is simply absurd. As I began to read what I was thinking I'd share, a letter a child to her mother, regarding other children, other mothers, experiences and (lack of) love and (an abundance of) pain, I thought of what was I after? I have an incredible life with an incredible sphere of influence, yet with a thousand Facebook friends I miss my mom, my dad, and even though my siblings hang out with me when I visit, I miss that "family" that we've never had thanks to what had happened to me. I'm not bitter against an org. They are a corporate entity that cannot bleed unless the color of their blood is green. I don't really care about bringing down the Tower, I care a out, I miss, my family. I imagine most here do too? I imagine we're all tied together in the simplest sense but what we've lost through our association with the Tower. We're here, in whatever form there is, because we share pain, and memory, and the desire for it to have been some other way. It's the same of we're in denial, angry, bitter, lonely, questioning,... insert the blank.

    The thing is it's my job to design using human empathy. I design to motivate human behavior. Many many years ago I wanted to dedicate myself in Bethel service employing the talents blooming towards campaigns for in J's service. I'll see if I can find the response I got from the letter I wrote to the Society reaching out about my heart felt desire. I'll post the photo, because it breaks my heart. I think I was about 12 years old, I'll know when I find it to share. I know the response by heart; as a young sister they don't recommend that I move to the area, nor do they (paraphrasing) need my services, but will keep me in mind. I'm 33 years old, and I have a career which you wouldn't believe was real, though all the proof is there so people wouldn't have to take my word for it. How terrible it feels now to offer up the "cred" that you're all likely accessing this forum using in one way or another, something I've 'touched'. I'm not here to brag. I'm here because I'm sad. All that, and I feel hopeless, having to hide because as long as I don't get kicked out, at least my mom and dad will still treat me as if I exist. I imagine that many here are in similar situations.

    I don't offer answers, I just offer my brain. I was helped design networks, technology, social media, communication, interfaces. While I live in San Francisco and can reach millions of people with my voice, I care only about those in a special small sphere‚ those inside the tower, being watched.

    I don't care to bring the Tower down, I care to bring my family out. And you know, I don't know that I can even say that. I just wish that I could touch their hearts, reach their hearts, that I could get through that stone wall with my love, my message, my pain, and my love, despite all the pain. Isn't it such a strange thing to be free for years upon years, and yet know that you're still tied—family.

    So here I am, pouring my heart out (though it does seem some what timidly, or is that just me) to complete strangers. The thing is, I'm simply tired of having achieved a wealth of influence and power and knowledge which actually changes the world and the lives of people, literally, around the world, daily... and yet no one in my "real" life really knows me, and I can't change what matters most... some how after all these years, I can't seem to let go of love, of hope,... my family.

    So while I have crazy ideas in mind, all the parts of what brought me to where I am are seeming to come to focus. It's my business brain that's in gear (hehe, I thought of "business socks", but it's not Wednesday, and I'm single...) above and beyond that of my personal interests which honestly aren't as clear as my human interests.

    So here goes, and pardon me, I'm alternately lauded for my story telling or accused of rambling...

    First, from a social sciences perspective, I'm interested in all the voices here. After three days participation I'm curious for things like knowing the demographics. Someone said that the WT puts out more atheists than any other religion. I'm aware of Pew, and their research, but it really does seem like there are an awful lot of voices here—more than any other single place on the Internet? Would I be crazy to imagine that through the members here there is a link to every other member on any major JW representative site on the Internet? You tell me.

    Another question, thanks to who I am and what I do, that comes to the forefront of my mind, is regarding what brought you here? I want, as unreasonable as it is, to know the truth of the story of each and every one of you. I mean in as much as I have private journals I've written in, entries on online diaries that existed before the term "blog" was invented, and I hide to this very damned day.

    Whether or not each individual on this forum believes in God or not, we have a shared meaning behind the word "generation" that others simply cannot understand... am I right?

    And are we all not part of the same generation?

    (Oh fine, for the more analytical, I would say I imagine that we're all within the range of 40 years, with a smattering of those outside the range... and if the world would end in 7 years, despite what we believe or agreeing on "how", we'd all probably live to see it, despite whatever judgement you'd pass upon yourself there on out.) :)

    I wonder, is there anyone who can take me to your leader? I would like to ask permission to engage with the voices in this community. I respect what someone has provided as an outlet here.

    I then wonder, is there any one here that feels me? Am I just having a crazy moment where I feel connected to a world where I am not. Are we together, or we many alone?

    I wonder, with all that I've learned about motivating masses, touches hearts, reaching human empathy, finding the story, and "changing the world"... with the will of the "force" behind us, could we do more than we'd imagine... and if so, what would that be?

    I'd like to get to know you, but I'd like to do that in a manner which protects everyone's identity and thanks to a post I read earlier today, protects the IDEAS from the internet and those who might hopeto anticipate and negate our energy.

    Right now I'm dying to share ideas that pop into my mind, but I don't want to do that publicly.

    I'm thinking that by now, while someone will have to thoroughly "vet" me for credibility, you all know each other. If we determine the means to create a private community for the means of a purpose, you each would be able to vet each other, protecting the collective identity for the larger mass who has family identity to protect, living in fear as I—and you?—do.

    I also imagine that there are many ideas and stories here which collectively would guide the intent of the energy of the group. For those who believe, as I, there is a spiritual guidance which may so be inclined; for those who no longer believe, we yet all believe in the concept of love—pain, love, and family, usually.

    As I leave this writing to focus instead on what I would say if it wouldn't be free for all to read—including possible lurking eyes of the governing body—I ask you to treat me kindly. I will prove myself to you, no problem. But please don't mock me. I am an orphan in as much as I've lost my family and lived without them for nearly 10 years. Life mocks me in as much as I "get back in" thorough a turn of events, only to realize there's no way that my ethics can allow me to attend and pretend to be what I cannot and will not be.

    The world is much bigger than you or I. There are many things to concern ourselves with, the most important being simply and freely living—but since we all find ourselves captivity here united in a virtual forum where I imagine most do not know each other in any means other than virtually... well, there might as well be someone who risks it at to see what might be done about all that human energy.

    I can't keep quiet much longer. But there's not much to be gained in being one story on one blog, confessing my identity to the world of social media (those who know me, but not who I am) just to at most end up a headline in a news media feed. No. There's something here. I feel that there are people who want something more than to solve some major issues in the blind leading the blind theology of any given religion—jeez... am I still typing??—but something in what binds us together. It's not that we were all once or nearly "Jehovah's Witnesses"... I believe it has something to do with love, and it's opposite reaction emotion—love.

    I'm young. Sue me. I hear the first notes of a song you might know, from Outkast, as I wonder, "Where is the love...?"

    Curious how many people who read this thread are curious? — Answer is here.* (Edit: It shows how many come from JWN, and otherwise. That's cool!)

    Christ, whether you believe he's fiction or not, died as old as I am, and I believe that to be as young as old. 33.

    There's no one 40 years younger than me. Is there anyone here 40 years older? I'd love especially to hear from you too!

    With all the love and confession of everything that I want so much to share, stories I wish I could tell if only they wouldn't tell on me—so I'd be identified, then be considered an influence or apostate.

    [I imagine the only secure means of communication here is private message. So bombard me. Tell me who I should talk so that we can create a means to do so.]

    {I'm terrified. I may be brave in real life, but in real life no one knows who I am. Go easy on me. Here I have only my honest self, with no creed nor cred. But I still have a heart and bleed, and there's no shoulder for me to cry on in my life... so be kind if you can.}

    *Google URL link to "Where is the Love...?" social media link data is completely anonymous and tracks only click throughs. It just shows another way than "thread views" to see how many of us there are. I only offer it as a means to show people that we're more than just one individual. We're one voice. Now, what do we have to say...?

  • nibbled

    I got home and wanted to update my Gravatar so there's something of who I am. Wowza, there were nearly 20 views already and no responses. I'm putting myself to bed, I can't handle the suspense.

    It's like being naked and judged. Momma always said always wear clean underwear in case you end up in an accident...

    [Please break the silence before I wake up? Tell me anything as long as it's the truth!]

    I headed on to Gravatar to update the photo so there's something of me. First post I made here I submitted the entry to find my face smiling back at me. Never had quite a feeling as that. I have no idea how to figure out what [email protected] I used when I signed up... any ideas on how to figure that out? Should I start a new account so I can have a face here?

  • clarity

    Oh Nibbled, what can I say..... so much of what you

    say, I really get it, but a lot of what you talk about,

    I don't understand ....maybe because of the actual

    generation gap! lol I'm willing to try!


    What I do know of, is the pain that you have ... because of

    this cult! I know the pain when those you love ......

    don't see you, devalue you & give you "the bums rush"!


    I hope you stay with us ... and someone can help you.


    What ever it is, I wish you the best, and hope you enjoy

    the great life that you've made ... in spite of damage

    done to you by the watchtower realestate co.


    Hang in & keep posting ok ...


  • Honeybucket

    Its nice to meet you. I enjoyed your post. I can tell it came straight from the heart. I think most people are where you are, being captive by someone elses rules. We aren't willing to walk away from our mothers, fathers, sibling. These people aren't replacable, yet the organization wants them to replace you. No matter where we go in life, or who we have become, there is still a yearning for kinship with those that are our kin.

    I'm sorry, my heart breaks with yours. Here there are kind people who will listen to you. We are so very accepting, no matter what your views are.



  • eyesropen323

    Hi Nibbled...welcome. i know how u feel. I miss my parents and brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. I am married with little ones of my own.what i do know is that my spouse and I made the right decision in fading. we r not controlled by this cult anymore...even tho they r still trying with us. But my children have been sooo much happier since we left. I think that as far as our ages anyone older isnt really into computers and internet that is why for our age groups. Younger ones are having their eyes opened more quickly. I'm in my late 30's. Also, my spouse was a victim of molestation when they were younger :( I only found out this past summer. Long story short it saved our marriage that i found this out since I hought i was to blame for the void of emotions and lack of feeings my spouse showed thru our marriage. I feel sick to my tomach that this cult hides and protects molesters and pedophiles.....anyways......no one can judge you. I know you miss your family, but ask yourself if you will trully be happy going back to a religion/cult like this. Wish you the best! And thank you for sharing with us. <3

  • Pterist


  • EdenOne


  • nibbled

    eyesropen323 I'm not going back. I went back in a strange fluke of events and they reinstated me. In the time it took to reinstatement strangely I learned that "the truth" doesn't know who "the Truth" is. I find the kicker the "but, where will go you?" Ohhh... honey. It's "who". I heard a voice from behind, and I turned around and followed. (Spiritually speaking.) Thanks for the encouragement. I simply want to touch the hearts and show love connecting families through sharing the truth of our individual personal experiences. I think 250+ views with five responses means that people are much happier complaining here than doing. I remain open minded though. I just know that without the support of fellow ones who know WHO the Truth is, and demonstrate love, I can't handle all the negativity of the forums I've found online. I've found a few others who have felt the same, sharing those feelings privately and we've begun a forum for like-minded ones. Anyone can PM me for details.

    edenone I imagine marked means "bookmarked"? :)

  • applehippie

    Nibbled- welcome! I understand how you feel also. It seems my family has fallen completely apart. I miss my brother and sister, my mother has issues that crop up and cause us to have to separate periodically. Like now. But I am old enough now to expect respect and to ask for it. Oh well. And, I still feel I have to be extra careful on my Facebook page to watch what I say, like, share and comment on. I don't know who is watching and may say something to someone, someday.

    I'm interested in reading more of your posts and if you wouldn't mind- I'd like to check out the new forum you mentioned. I could use some encouragement. I a mom, and a grandmother of an adorable one year old girl. And I'm a brand new college student thanks to internet academy. Both my daughters are students so we have this to share in common, at least for a little while.

    I read here almost daily but very rarely post. Your OP really drew me in and I hope to read more.

  • Tater-T


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