Writing and speaking is all about communication.
If we are casually engaged the level of precision vanishes. Simple ideas=simplified language.
But, as we attempt to convey accuracy, specificity and numerical precision--what then?
Without a clear STANDARD is proper communication headed for extinction?
"Your a friend of mine." That is incorrect, of course. "You're a friend of mine" is right. But, the meaning isn't lost at all.
SHOULD THIS MATTER? Do we take a stand for the standard or do we shrug it off and let common use erode the distinction into complete abandonment?
"It's too warm in here." That is correct. "Its too warm in here." That is wrong. Same question? Just let it die off or call attention to it in others to keep the standard alive?
"Their is a place we can stay for the night." This is incorrect. "There is a place we can stay for the night." This is right. Big Deal? Or, let it go and let the standard fail?
Where do we draw the line on our Standards of communication?
TEXTING and TWEETING compels abbreviations. An automatic shorthand is enforced.
Those who communicate by TEXT don't discuss nuclear physics or eyewitness testimony in life or death matters as a rule.
But, does the continued slacking off have an unforeseen result? Are we on the cusp of the utter destruction of language as an art of conveying correct ideas correctly?
Do we need to be bullied by the slackers into thinking of accuracy as a GEEK preoccupation?
Does CARING about correct spelling make us anal retentive word police who should be shunned and mocked?
Does it have to be a black and white issue?
Can't we simply polish our skills at creating a VISIBILITY for correct language use without being busybody mind police?
One thing is for certain. I think you'll agree with me on this one thing: the level of crudeness and rudeness in public communication is nasty, ill-mannered and prevalent to an extreme as never before.
Is this the world we want to leave for our kids?
End of sermon.
What are YOUR thoughts on this?
(Full disclosure: My favorite author is Cormac McCarthy. He refuses to use punctuation except when a sentence cannot otherwise be understood. I see his point.)