Your vs You're....Its vs It's....There vs Their..

by Terry 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Writing and speaking is all about communication.

    If we are casually engaged the level of precision vanishes. Simple ideas=simplified language.

    But, as we attempt to convey accuracy, specificity and numerical precision--what then?

    Without a clear STANDARD is proper communication headed for extinction?

    "Your a friend of mine." That is incorrect, of course. "You're a friend of mine" is right. But, the meaning isn't lost at all.

    SHOULD THIS MATTER? Do we take a stand for the standard or do we shrug it off and let common use erode the distinction into complete abandonment?

    "It's too warm in here." That is correct. "Its too warm in here." That is wrong. Same question? Just let it die off or call attention to it in others to keep the standard alive?

    "Their is a place we can stay for the night." This is incorrect. "There is a place we can stay for the night." This is right. Big Deal? Or, let it go and let the standard fail?

    Where do we draw the line on our Standards of communication?

    TEXTING and TWEETING compels abbreviations. An automatic shorthand is enforced.

    Those who communicate by TEXT don't discuss nuclear physics or eyewitness testimony in life or death matters as a rule.

    But, does the continued slacking off have an unforeseen result? Are we on the cusp of the utter destruction of language as an art of conveying correct ideas correctly?

    Do we need to be bullied by the slackers into thinking of accuracy as a GEEK preoccupation?

    Does CARING about correct spelling make us anal retentive word police who should be shunned and mocked?

    Does it have to be a black and white issue?

    Can't we simply polish our skills at creating a VISIBILITY for correct language use without being busybody mind police?

    One thing is for certain. I think you'll agree with me on this one thing: the level of crudeness and rudeness in public communication is nasty, ill-mannered and prevalent to an extreme as never before.

    Is this the world we want to leave for our kids?

    End of sermon.

    What are YOUR thoughts on this?

    (Full disclosure: My favorite author is Cormac McCarthy. He refuses to use punctuation except when a sentence cannot otherwise be understood. I see his point.)

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Where do you draw the line?

    Everyone has different limits and language evolves.

    In time words change not just spelling but meaning too.

    I am happy to let nature take it's course and not sweat the little stuff. I used to be anal about it too but I think it is because we had it drummed into us as kids we looked ignorant or uneducated if we got it wrong but really, is it that important if the correct meaning is conveyed.

    Read in context most know which is the correct intention regardless of the spelling

  • Terry

    is it that important if the correct meaning is conveyed?

    Almost tongue-in-cheek I'd reply by saying: "Isn't this the extraordinary difficulty with the bible? It was all oral and handed down oral at that. In later days people who ASSUMED they knew accurately...proceeded to make things DEFINITE.

    The Watchtower leaders proceed to do the same thing.

    Is correct doctrine that important?

    See what I mean?

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I think the Bible is the exception to most rules

  • Terry

    I think the Bible is the exception to most rules

    Or the rule for most exceptions...

  • tiki

    some abandon the use of capitals as it adds an extra keystroke, hence over time causes wear and tear, not to mention loss of time. however, in some areas it is essential to bow to the norm and capitalize.

    i do not condone the dumbing down of anything - language and communication included. modern technology has spawned a type of newspeak that may work among those who embrace it, but in the grand scheme of things will add nothing to the art of communication. i see it as an overall circumstance that leads to the dumbing down of society. kids no longer have to learn history, mathematics - they simply fly to the internet and look up answers. this does not improve the brain capacity - the need for curiosity and for learning to enhance ones skills and abilities. it produces lazy minds who are set in play mode and instant gratification and do not have to think.

    You're absolutely on the right track, Terry. I appreciate your dialogue on this subject.

  • Chariklo

    You're right, Terry.

    Try to tell an iPad that when it insists that one means its when writing it's! The thing is capricious, and likes its own way! It's not even consistent...what it won't allow one day it's perfectly happy with the next!

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Terry, on QUIBBLE! s launch day this became a subject. For some, they don't recognize the differences in the meaning of words. I know some who use coarse instead of course. Does it irritate me- of course, but then it's really insignificant as I understand what they mean.

    Now, I find myself writing the wrong words all the time, although I know their correct usage and meaning. I am a hunt and peck typer and I just want to get my thoughts on the screen while I can still remember what the what I wanted to say!

    I have no excuse as English is my first and only language and I speak it fluently . But, as I get older- or at least while I've been posting on-line, I'm less careful. I'm not being graded on spelling and punctuation. And if I can get my message across in a sentence that makes sense or cents, then I'm ok. And sometimes I even write nonsense and it's understood, too!

    Sometimes being a stickler is good and sometimes it's just pettiness. But, that is dependant on the purpose and goal of your written word!

    Language as an art is here to stay in some form or another. Talk to me about the beautiful world of letter writing with a pen and not a computer. The personality of the writer shows in every mark of the ink to the paper. Every stroke and flourish. That is a lost art as the young only know texting on Twitter and Facebook.

  • tiki

    i do disagree amelia, regarding the Bible. while the gist of things may remain, nuances of meaning most certainly have been lost. also we must remember that the very nature of the English language is imprecision. it is a rough language, and the intrinsic meaning of many words from ancient Hebrew and/or Greek and/or Latin have been lost over the generations. add to the the changes in culture, societies over the centuries, and while basic principles contained in the Bible - love of neighbor, justice, my very favorite from Micah to embrace kindness, love justice and be modest in walking with our God - remain.

    Did Ezekiel really lay there all that time and char grits or whatever on dung cakes? or has something radically been lost in translation over the centures? did he do it in shifts and get up from time to time and stretch his muscles or go relieve nature? did he drink water? the human body doesn't survive for long without it.......realism comes into play.....imho.......(hahhaha mda)

  • wasblind

    Do we need to be bullied by the slackers into thinking of accuracy as a GEEK preoccupation?

    Does CARING about correct spelling make us anal retentive word police who should be shunned and mocked?

    what are your thoughts on this ?_________Terry

    I don't see the need to bully , nit pick, mock or shun anyone at all

    As long as the message is recieved and understood

    people shouldn't be so judgemental of others on how they express themselves

    But look at the content of what is written

    Know what I'm sayin' ?


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