sad to hear the epilogue of those that fall too far between the cracks
by mouthy 17 Replies latest jw friends
sad to hear the epilogue of those that fall too far between the cracks
It wasn't JCanon/Lars then?
Hi Granny (Waves from New Zealand)
Like most of us, she was just trying to get ahead in life (sorry, I couldn't resist).
Blows to Black Sheep.. Hows it going over there???
....They found the killer
Just a torso, eh?
Canadians have a really odd way of making pot roast. Ick!
kurt!!!!Naughty naughty
So glad they are finding her other missing parts on River Rd
The guy is in custody.... He evidently knew her. So sad....
I hope his family is able to bear all this exposure. We never know
what others in the family of wrongdoers suffers.
I was also SO thankful for the answered prayers about the little 5 yr old boy
that was being held captive in a bunker,in USA...
They killed the old man & saved the little one ...GREAT NEWS!!!!!