Yes that picture Black Sheep, I remember it well as a kid from 'Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained'
I was scared & fascinated by that picture at the same time.
by OneStepOut93 73 Replies latest jw friends
Yes that picture Black Sheep, I remember it well as a kid from 'Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained'
I was scared & fascinated by that picture at the same time.
In the great tribulation just before Armaggedon (1975 et al) the only food available will be the one we are this moment forcing you to eat.
I could never understand why they believed that the great trib would be overflowing with liver, kidneys and cooked vegetables!
(Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)
some of the answers given at the watchtower study
'Jehovah doesn't like that'
'Jehovah is watching'
'that's demonized'
My mom use to get on a real kick for a few weeks after assemblies, use to drive me crazy
''Even if Jehovah(TM) didn't offer eternal life, I'd still serve him because I love him!''
''It's time for the family study!''
I'm not sure which was most chilling to hear.
'Do as I say not as I do'
'What would sis/bro so-&-so say if they saw/heard you?'
'Invite some of the young ones over, you need better association'
(managed to avoid all the above)
no birthdays
no indian guides
no cub scouts
no little league
etc. etc
oh no! flashback!
that little girl holding her doll in the the paradise book!
"when the persecution comes......"
One I heard was when I was out in field circus during April recess. One boy, whose mother pious-sneered for the month, was dragged out in field circus the whole week. I was right out when he got caught playing with a stick while out in field circus (drawing in the dirt), and his mother spanked him. Though he claimed to be sorry (for playing in the dirt), his mother said "So am I. And so is Jehovah and the angels." Was the mother sorry for forcing her son to waste April recess, in its entirety, in field circus so she could pious-sneer?
I heard the "bad associations" crap too often, too. Once, a father with his family dropped the kids off from field circus and warned them of "bad associations". Fine way to make them afraid of the world outside the cancer, making leaving that much more difficult.
As for "We get presents all year", that is hogwash. While it may be true in a few cases, most of the families I have seen were quite stingy with toys. This is usually because they are programmed to seek poverty. It also might be because they feel that toys are a distraction--if the children don't have toys, they are not going to want to go in from field circus so soon and they are not as likely to whine about a boasting session if they cannot play. This doesn't make up for Christmas--that is usually when parents do their big toy giving for the year. It also teaches deferred gratification, where a child is taught to wait until a definitive day in the future (such as a birthday or Christmas) to get something. (Which separates the genuine wants from the whims.) The witlesses never get that training--usually, they don't get it at all.