Not to start some form of popularity contests here but I was wondering how popular some people were? How far did your network go in this organization? This question also pertains to those who are actively fading.
Were you popular in your congregation or district?
by Emery 55 Replies latest jw friends
Amelia Ashton
Not at all.
Depressed single Mum here that has been fading for almost 4 years and as far as I am aware no-one has noticed.
Yes I had a large circle of friends.
Pretty much everybody wanted to be me.
LOL @sabastious
I always felt invisable.
I'm not sure about "popular," but did anyone else have random people coming up to them at assemblies acting like they were long-time buddies when you didn't have a clue who they were?
That would happen quite a bit.
I wasn't in the popular crowd. I would volunteer as an attendant at the assembly every year, and the overseer would never remember my name. I would always be the one at the entrance of the assembly hall handing out programmes, but very few outside my own congregation would ever stop to speak to me, despite me being there year after year.
I merely lived in the reflected glory of my presiding overseer Dad.
I didn't know my first name was Paul until recently. I always thought I was ''XXXXXX's Son!''