Extremely ironic anti-bullying video for kids on JW.org

by cedars 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Here is a link to the Society's latest video entitled "Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists":


    As soon as it's up on YouTube I'll post the video on this thread.

    One quote from the piece...

    "Though [bullying] can be physical, pushing and shoving, stealing or breaking things, it could also be verbal. Teasing and name-calling, or even social - excluding people, starting rumours using the internet or texting. Being bullied is not funny, it's serious. Some effects are obvious from the outside, but there's a lot happening on the inside that we don't get to see, like fear, stress and sadness."

    Does any of that sound familiar to anyone?


  • sir82

    "There are none so blind, as those who will not see"

  • Amelia Ashton
  • stapler99

    "You're worthless without us. In fact, if you leave us, you don't deserve to live. You aren't doing enough for us - you need to do more personal study and field ministry. If you are obedient enough to us, doing everything we say, we may let you live at Armageddon." Tone it down it a bit and that's essentially the position. The whole religion is a bully.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    This video just truly makes me cry. I was very bullied when I was first married and pioneering in the hall by the other married sisters my age.

    My husband had been asked to go to the hall by the CO because the hall needed help. He had been there for a year before we got married.
    I can only describe my days in field service as total HELL. The other sisters would totally bully me. Sometimes when I would met for service and my husband was not with me as he had elder things to do the sisters would mock me and tell me in a very condescending you just go home we do not have room for you. Then there were times when they would take me with them in service and make me feel like such dirt the whole day. Just saying belittling things to me the whole day. I am very afraid of dogs and being in the county every house had dogs some of them were really mean. I have been bit over six times in field service. I will never forget this one house that the sisters made me go to. I knew from being there in the past that they had this super mean dog, sometimes the dog would be tied up but other times he would be running lose. It was my turn to get out of the car, and I begged and pleaded with the sisters not to make me go. The sisters were so mean and spite full telling me I did not have any faith, and that I was not truly serving Jehovah, that He would protect me, etc. I finally got out and started to the door. The dog tore around the house when I was half way to the house and he was ready to kill me. I started to run back to the car and just barely made it when the dog bit into my skirt and I jumped into the car and all the sisters were just laughing at me. I was so not funny. I was so hurt that day and I still am writing it now. I was not funny.

    I was so very depressed it was unreal. I truly was suicidal. I talked to my husband about it all, he is 17 years older then I am. The sisters all were so sweet and flirty around and him he told me that he did not believe me. That I was just making it all up that there was no way they were treating me like that.

    Since the hall was in the country and all we did was drive around with no purpose but to waste time my husband and I spent a ton of money on gas and of course all the sisters wanted to use our car especially when my husband was out so all of our money as a couple went to field service.
    Yet these sister were always going to the movies, getting their hair done, going shopping, going out to do fun things together, etc. They were always going on date nights with their husbands. Something I gave up in the first year of our marriage because first we did not have the money to do anything but second and more to the point my husband never had anytime to spend with me. I would make sandwiches and have coffee and beg my husband just to go for a walk and then some elder crisis would come up in the hall and he would dump me for the elder stuff.

    I even spoke to the CO about how I was losing it and the CO rebuked me telling me that Jehovah needed my husband now and I could have him in the new system which was going to happen very soon. The CO totally treated me like I was a selfish Which.

    That video truly just makes me sick.


  • Fed-up

    In the Land of the Blind the One Eyed Man is King...

  • OnTheWayOut

    LITS, sad story. But it makes me think I will skip the link. Nothing personal, Cedars.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    I guess the king of the bullies should know how to beat a bully without your fist!

    Of course in my experience the only thing that has ever worked with a bully is to just stand up to them. They usually leave you alone and find a softer target.

  • sabastious
    "Though [bullying] can be physical, pushing and shoving, stealing or breaking things, it could also be verbal. Teasing and name-calling, or even social - excluding people, starting rumours using the internet or texting. Being bullied is not funny, it's serious. Some effects are obvious from the outside, but there's a lot happening on the inside that we don't get to see, like fear, stress and sadness."

    Like when the Watchtower allowed Candace Conti to get raped on their watch and then tried to bully her in court when she stood up to them?


  • WingCommander

    So I'm guessing that the WT Org doesn't see DF'd "Shunning" as a form of bullying, correct? Oh wait, I forgot, that's spiritual LOVE - silly me!

    My entire 4th grade year I got the living sh*t kicked out of me because of bullies.....led by none other than an older two-faced, jealous, manipulative kid that had moved into our congregation from another state. His father was an MS, so guess what all was done? NOTHING! My parents even had pictures of my bruises from the beatings I took, and all little David did was smile and deny everything. He was 3 years older than me! So at the age of 10, I had my first taste and experience with WT "Justice", which basically was ".....turn the other cheek, wait on Jehovah, and Jehovah will take care of it in his own time." It was ingrained into me to NOT fight back at ALL. I became a basketcase that year who developed an eating disorder. I was 10 years old! I never looked at the relgion the same way again, because I felt Jehovah had allowed this to happen to me and then turned a blind eye to the whole thing. Then I grew up and realized YHWH's Holy Spirit was NEVER upon the JW's to begin with. Then I said, "F*ck this," and started to stand up for myself and fight back.

    What socially retarded idiots these people are. So glad I am gone.

    - Wing Commander

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