Imagine if the GB called you in for questioning

by nolongerconfused 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet


    "NOT that I'm judging you, because I'm certainly NOT... but I'm curious..... can you tell me, please, how YOU gentleman plan to get out of the judgment of Gehenna? Again, I'm just curious. 'Cause I'm thinking it's got to be one helluva plan."

    Good thing you weren't judging them, Shelby, 'cause if you ever do, the GB will really be in for it.

  • AGuest

    The MOST Holy One of Israel, JAHVEH, shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it, dear 'Keet (peace to you!)... and my Lord said that HE judged no man (folks judge themselves, actually)... so who am I to judge them? I am curious, though, given my Lord's words to those who DO such things... and these men do do them, as well as lead others to do them... what their plan is. Seriously.

    I'm thinkin' the plan is "There is no God and is it our fault these people are suckers? They love it, so we give it to them...", per Jeremiah 5:26-32; 6:13-15 (from the NWT, 'cause that's the Bible they use and how it's stated there is uncannily appropriate, so. Actually, here, let me show you:

    “‘For among my people there have been found wicked men. They keep peering, as when birdcatchers crouch down. They have set a ruinous[trap]. It is men that they catch. As a cage is full of flying creatures, so their houses are full of deception. That is why they have become greatand they gain riches. They have grown fat; they have become shiny. They have also overflowed with bad things. No legal case have theypleaded, even the legal case of the fatherless boy, that they may gain success; and the judgment of the poor ones they have not taken up.’”

    Should I not hold an accounting because of these very things,” is the utterance of JaHVeH, “or on a nation that is like this should not my soul avenge itself? An astonishing situation, even a horrible thing, has been brought to be in the land: T he prophets themselves actually prophesy in falsehood; and as for the priests,they go subduing according to their powers. And my own people have loved [it] that way; and what will ? YOU ? men do in the finale of it?”

    “For from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them, every one is making for himself unjust gain; and from the prophet even tothe priest, each one is acting falsely . Andthey try to heal the breakdown of my people lightly, saying, ‘There is peace! There is peace!’ when there is no peace. Did they feel shame because it was something detestable that they had done? For one thing, they positively do not feel any shame; for another thing, they have not come to know even how to feel humiliated. Therefore they will fall among those who are falling;in the time that I must hold an accounting with them they will stumble,” JaHVeH has said."

    Which is, of course, why the admonishment to... "GET OUT OF HER, MY people!" So I hope every "prophet and priest" in her who come HERE will HEAR... and get the sense of this).

    They don't believe there is a God, dear one (as some here who still "serve" in her, although not all... openly admit). Or if they believe there is, they don't believe He sees them.

    I just want to hear them say it.

    Again, peace to you!

    A doulos of Christ,


  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    AGuest: "I just want to hear them say it."

    That would be sweet. That would be very sweet, indeed.

  • Borges

    If they would call me in, I wouldn't go. I don't want to talk to a bunch of dumbheads.

    To the leading guys of my childhood and youth (Knorr, Franz, Henschel, Jaraz) I would like to talk. But they already fled to heaven...

  • nibbled


    I grew up around the governing body members of the recently past generation.

    I'd want to ask them, "Are you serious?!"

    It was strange to know them, as people who told me jokes, and went to dinner with us, etc. Sort of like spiritual extra grandpas. Only, I don't get it. Did they they actually eat what they fed us? Blind and sincere, or spiritistically deluded? It's hard to find out your grandpa was a spiritual Hitler.

    "The Watchtower puts out more atheists than any other religion." — I'd like a reference for that.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses have the lowest retention rate of any religious tradition. Only 37% of all those who say they were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses still identify themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses." — Pew Center Research

    When I "woke up", I called my mom and dad and remember yelling through the phone — I wanted her to setup a meeting with whoever was then both on the corporate board and governing body. I still do. I have been planning how it should go down, if they come after me. No reason to not use it for all the good it's worth.

  • alecholmesthedetective

    So what does the Bible really teach?

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman


    "Tell us about your annointing experience". Yes please.

    "Tell us what the Bible really teaches". lol

    All these comments are so funny.

    It is disgusting how self serving these creeps are .

    Christ like? No. Pope like? Yes.

    Just Lois

  • whathehadas

    I would say, "Eat Lead TURKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYS!!!!!!!".......Let your mind figure out the rest

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I would ask them to define the word 'SOON'


  • Fernando

    Ain't going to happen - they are too gutless...

    They know I reject their authority in favour of Jesus'.

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