Welcome. Don't be afraid to learn and research The truth will stand up to scrutiny but a lie will always fail. It will be difficult but I honestly feel that Jesus is calling his sheep out of organized religions.
Peace on your journey.
by excitesinceredetermination 55 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome. Don't be afraid to learn and research The truth will stand up to scrutiny but a lie will always fail. It will be difficult but I honestly feel that Jesus is calling his sheep out of organized religions.
Peace on your journey.
You asked for suggestions on using this site.
There are many different points of view represented on JWN.
If you want to explore a particular perspective in depth, I recommend finding someone on the board who articulates that point of view well and then PM them.
That way, you can have a sustained discussion without the risk that a thread on the topic will go off in all different directions.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't post on threads.
I'm just saying recommending making good use of the PM feature.
If, for some reason, that person isn't interesting in PMing, they can let you know.
You access your own PMs by clicking on the little envelope in the upper right corner. If you get an error message click it again.
Also, if you want to check out what a particular poster has said, you can click on their name. You will be taken to a screen where you can see all the threads they have started and all the threads on which they have posted. You can also send them a PM.
Thank you again for being so open armed, feels great!
Happy@last - How did you introduce your children to everything and how did you temper their unsure reactions (if there were any?)
Thanks Borges!
AllElseFails - It looks like you have faded the right way, I hear that it is hard though. What are your thoughts as to what I should expect if I start missing meetings, or low field service...do I do it slowly, or all at one time? It really sounds like they corner one who have any difference with them at all! Even if your just searching things out and asking questions to your jw friends, in "new light' a few months ago, this is now viewed as apostate too. Any questioning period! Why tighten the reigns so hard? The Boreans searched as to see whether these things were so...right? I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on the matter about religion, it can be hard figuring 'where else I would go to' which I still don't have a replacement per say, I just know I don't want to be there. I always feel bad after I leave, and more confused with so much new recent "light". When it really appears that they just change when they see enough complaints on a matter. That's just my opinion though.
OneDayillBeFree - You're too sweet, thank you! We'll have to conspire together on what is working for us to leave...any plans yet? Do we have ones who are current bethelites and elders? Even if they were in the past, that says a LOT! I pioneered for several years, it seems the "higher up" you go, the more corruption you see? It is a shame it is with this organization too, I had hoped so hard all of my life that this was it. Thank you for the reccommendations, they are very much appreciated! Eagar to more digging!
Any etiquette guidelines to be familiar with? Also, would someone mind helping me know how to link the persons name I see sometimes in blue when they are being responded to, and does this alert them or no? Sorry, there are so many questions!
Happy@last - How did you introduce your children to everything and how did you temper their unsure reactions (if there were any?)
For birthdays I said that to me it was quite important that I don't let their birthday go by without acknowledgement and asked if they would be offended by me giving them a present. Guess what, they said no. The cake was a bonus for them.
For Christmas I asked each one seperately how they felt about Christmas. My eldest said they did not get where the JWs were coming from, my youngest said they liked all the lights. I asked them both (seperately at different times) if they wanted to be involved this time, without going over the top, and they both said without hesitation "Yes". I bough them fairy lights to decorate their rooms, an LED tree and lights for the living room, and loads of presents.
They know that their uncles and aunties and cousins wouldn't approve so didn't advertise what they were doing, I'm sure if they were asked they blamed 'daddy'.
RosePetal - thanks & that's really pretty!
Aussie - Is there quite a bit more than usual?
Alec - I appreciate the site info, I am not sure if I have seen jwsurvey yet. I have been all over, but this site is where I have found to have the most current topics and able to discuss and fine tune what exactly is not understandable.
And to Tater-T, Honesty, sizmic, BlindersOff1, LoisLanelookingforSuperman, rip van winkle, Comatose, Besty, punkofnice, irondork, gorgia Thank you for taking the time as well to introduce yourselves. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone. I have done research, but am finding more and more that I am just hitting the tip of the iceberg! There are so many inconsistencies all over most of the doctrines I hadn't even realized.
Lurker001 - A test of what?
TheListener - Good point on what little get-togethers there are. We had one last summer. As I keep reading your comment, I couldn't have said it better myself. Was it you think as soon as the "generations" understanding changed in "new light" that it is just the attitude of the generation we are living in and we now agree (after several failed predictions) that we are to never know 'the day or the hour'. Even though the scripture never changed trhis whole time. I think that's exactly it, what you mentioned there.
00DAD - Agreed!
Newly Enlightened - Thank you for the encouragement, I am beginning to feel like organized religions cannot hold up. Why not come to places like this where you can actually see what people from all over the world are thinking, instead of being told what to think, so we are all "unified."?
Ding - I think I see what you mean. I am not being notified that people commented or that I have a pm. I am so used to Fb where you get a notification when you have commented elsewhere, even besides your own thread. So I can't imagine that one wold come back to where they posted prior if there were no notifications to alert them.
excitesinceredetermination - I am so used to Fb
Look out everyone, we may have an apostate in our midst!
(Welcome, BTW!)
WELCOME NEW GIRL. U'll get alot of info in here. Even before the elders. Lol ()
Happy@last - Honestly, if it were just birthdays alone, I think I would have a hard time staying in. It is one of the most obvious ways to me that it's about control. We celebrate our anniversary, have a party with cake and all. Why shouldn't I be more happy about my child's anniversary of life? I think that is great way what you did to make it their own decision, and they're okay with it.
Ooh, I think I have made a mistake in that area. I can see it now that you say it. I talk to them together about it. I should have realized that honestly. Love hearing another mama's opinion who's already been though it. Should save some frustration on the kids part!
Splash - lol! & Thank you it looks like I may officially "mentally diseased" how in the world did they get away with calling people that?
xtreemlyconfused17 - Thanks! I saw the March KM here before I got mine at the hall. Next meeting I asked for it and they said we don't have it yet! There is an new angle on 'running along side the fast paced chariot of the organization'. Someone has a faster chariot then they do lol!
Cantleave - Thank you! Feelin' the love!