' I know of two deaths around aya and dmt (one a suicide).'
That is why support is so important. For instance, the shaman and his helpers/attendants are all over the subjects at certain critical points. I knew i carried great pain,a primordial pain, if you will, from very early in my life. After i left the wt, spent yrs trying to get at it, both w mj and without, straight. I used meditation and went to a couple of hypnotherapists. They actually wouldn't allow me to go as deep as i wanted. Then, one day as i was working, totally sober, it came up. I let it. It was too much. I just wanted out. I tried to figure where the nearest gun might be. Couldn't think of any. I drove into town and bought a 26oz of booze. Drank that, kept working and crying, at the same time. People passing by, passed quickly. Other support, besides booze would have been good.
I'm not interested in going there, anymore. Perhaps, w the guys in peru, i would.