Is there a link between peaks in newbies and new light flashes?

by likeabird 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • likeabird

    Well hello to you too Clarity, I'm so pleased to see you here.

    If you hadn't come over here I'd have popped over to your thread ;-) which I will be doing if and when I come across some newbies you missed.

    No problem for missing my survey. I only did it for two weeks as I had been learning how to do that in class and wanted to try it out. I still managed to get 90 replies thanks to everyone here on JWN. Will redo another one one day, but I don't think it will be any time soon. I wasn't planning on doing this, and look what reading your thread inspired me to do!

    In any case, here is the link to the results from the survey. If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll try something else.

    Now onto the current project - yes, the 263 hours is a bit of a bummer, and is why I decided to bother you all with this thread ;-)

    As I see it, it will be ongoing for at least the next 6-8 months seeing as I too have very little time to work on it at the moment, but hey, I was inspired. People do crazy things when they're inspired (like shepherds writing books and stuff like that ) but don't worry, mine is purely human!

    So as I'll be here at it for quite a while, stop in and give a hand whenever and however you want, even if it's a few months down the line. And as I said to Flipper, hellos are welcome too.

    As I said in my opening post, I will also be posting what sections I'm working on and those I've finished (I ask anyone else to do the same) so none of the work is needlessly done twice. As a rule of thumb, it takes about 20-25 minutes to do 1 page of members (as long as you don't get distracted and start reading all their posts ;-)

    I'll be over to your thread sometime soon - I think it's really great and it's important, as you say, to welcome all these new ones.

    Take care of yourself. I hope the move goes well and is hopefully to somewhere/someplace bigger and better!


  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • likeabird

    Thank you!

  • Tylinbrando

    In the past 3 months I have observed at least 20 or so families begin their fade. Some high profile Elders have voiced their disillusionment at the changes in understandings of overlapping generations and the F&DS. There seems to be a division brewing, 1) members that hold on that the religion is true but the GB is veering off track. 2) members that research and realize it is time to run completly. 3) members that really have no clue about anything and robotically continue in their roles and routines.

    Many are saying it is a "refining" taking place. Still others are genuinely moved to wonder why so many of the Elders and MS taking the lead are simply leaving the organization. When these men have been long time servants it seems that there are always a handful of families that follow them out. Doing a rough count in my head and only including 5 or 6 congregations, there have been 24 elders, 40 MS , and 100 or so publishers that have walked away in the past 10 years. Only about 20% of these involved judicial action.

    If these numbers are indicative of what is happening in other congregations, this is a huge exodus combined. We would never see it documented because the majority are simply counted as "innactive" members who have successfully faded.

  • likeabird

    Yes, I heard of a situation where people would come into a congregation and just disappear. Many of them. I guess that's what we would now call a faders' paradise!

  • likeabird

    Done: section A pages 1-20

    Starting: section A pages 21-30

  • likeabird

    Clarity and those who pm'ed me,

    It seems the link I gave you to see the last survey results didn't work. I redid the document and this link should work.

    Sorry about that.

  • andys

    This month marks my 2 year anniversay of being both mentally and physically out of the Watchtower, its been the most happiest times of my life being out:) I have to admit I made mistakes and went out with a bang and in the process I hurt my parents, if I had to do all over I would have faded instead, right now I am being shunned but one thought to keep in mind, this is a positive thought that I have that one day all my immediate family will be free and I will once again be able to talk to all of them.

    If there is anyone on here like me that is being shunned the best thing I can say is keep that positive thought that your family members will soon be free to:)

  • likeabird

    Quick update:

    Just finished section A which represents almost 1000 members.

    I compiled the results so far in a couple tables which you can see here:

    Off to start section B...

  • likeabird


    Half way through section B and at 1500 members - that's 10% of the total.

    I made a new table with the results and added it to the link given in the previous post.

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