Jeff T,......... its legal up in WA man!
Super Bowl Predictions ?
by Pterist 140 Replies latest social entertainment
return of parakeet
The perfect Super Bowl Sunday:
1. Ray Lewis trips coming out of the tunnel, is taken to the hospital for x-rays, and can't return to the game.
2. The Ravens have a touch of that intestinal virus that's going around.
3. Awesome commercials.
4. Beer and my homemade tacos at halftime.
5. In the third quarter, an announcement is made that police have found the white suit and a warrant has been issued for Lewis's arrest.
6. Final score: 49ers: 63. Ravens: 3 (SF allows them a pity field goal).
SF to win, surprising them all...
what part of unstoppable is to hard to understand?
The 'un' part...
dazed but not confused
49rs -28
Ravens - 24
My prediction:
Brooklyn Dodgers 12 - Baltimore Orioles 7 . . . anybody wanna take this bet with me?
Harbaugh is going to beat Harbaugh 27-23
Never predict, only hope
Go Niners!!!!
I lived in San Francisco between '79 and '85. If only cell phones with cameras had been around...................
dazed: im looking forward to being flipped off by u, when we win