listener, listen please. The sealing of the 144 000 is not for protection, to the contrary it is to confirm their martyrs death. the first sealed one was probably Stephen. the sealed ones rule with order to rule with Christ you have to die by the "Ax" a sacrificial death.
One possibility is that those of the 12 tribes (that come out of all the nations) that are not sealed i.e. martyred, are also the great crowd you see in the turbulent wake of the Great tribulation. Thats not new news, light,
the wt has "consistantly held that the 12 tribes of Rev. 7 are the earthly class"
the 144 000 COMES OUT OF the 12 tribes. they are bought FROM the earth.
the great crowd are the 12 tribes after they come out of the great mess.
somebody called it a dream, wrong, it is a NIGHT MARE. because we need salvation because of the snake talking to the cloned , naked lady.