E-Watchman Is Shutting Down His Forum
by Bangalore 26 Replies latest jw friends
Hello everyone
I have made a decision to close down the discussion board by March the 1st. It no longer seems to have any connection to the work I do on e-Watchman. I have determined to reallocate the money I spend monthly supporting this forum in order to promote e-Watchman in the time remaining.
I realize some of you will be disappointed. I am sorry. Perhaps if anyone wants to take over running this board it could stay online. But I want to use the e-jehovahs-witnesses.com domain for a portal to my other sites. So you would have to come up with a new domain. Or maybe a totally different board can be set up if you all want to carry on and start fresh. Frankly, with the popularity of Facebook and other social media, though, discussion boards have become passe.
Thank you all for your contributions.
e watchman as in "king"?
Yes,Robert King.
rip van winkle
Bangalore said
...discussion boards have become passe.
Well, my whole life is passe' before my eyes!
Good Luck with everything!!!!
does king post here? on jwn? i use to discuss with him on youtube,very frustrating,i liked when 21crosscheck21 went back and forth with king,
I remember joining his board when it was only a guest book (that we took to using as a forum, LOL!). I left it a few years ago.
wha happened?
so Mr Crazy decided to hang up the forum. I guess there were too many critical thinkers, since he is the FDS that has judged JW's and writes hundreds of articles on "HIS" new lght. He used to post here on occasion and wasn't the nicest person. By why be nice when u are the FDS.
Honestly he just fuels the "Apostates are just seeking followers for themselves" theory
King was full of Krap!
I think he felt some of his prophesies would have come true by now.
It's so easy to start believing in your own garbage. It's called the "transcendental seduction"
in the time remaining.