So, let me get this straight...we have to "celebrate" the death of our Lord after sundown, 'cos that's the Jewish calendar way, right? BUT... Passover began after sundown YESTERDAY???? What the...??? Can someone confirm that this is totally screwed up and the JW's are a day late and a dollar short??? Jbean
When is Nissan 14?
by Dawn 21 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Yerusalyim and Meatpie. Yerusalyim maybe you could email me with more details? I'd like to understand this correctly. Thanks.
"We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel... There should be full liberty of conscience." -- WT April 1, 1920, p. 100, 101
and here i thought 'nissan' was a japanese car company.
As I was saying, according to the Jewish way of reckoning time, the day begins at SUNDOWN, not midnight. As the bible says, "There was EVENING and there was Morining, the first day" GEN 1:5 See, evening is listed first, thus the Jews have a biblical basis for determining that SUNDOWN begins the new day.
Further, reading Exodus 12 indicates CLEARLY that the passover lamb is SLAUGHTERED on 14 Nisan, but not eaten until that evening, making it 15 Nisan. So technically the Society is off on two counts, the actual DAY for Passover (the 15th of Nisan, not the 14th), and when Nisan 14 actually is.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
Nathan Natas
After a while, the "conspiracy-theorists" who tell us the WTS is a devil-worshipping Masonic/Egyptian Secret Society don't sound quite so wacked-out, do they?
Isn't the easiest way to calculate it:
Find the data that JW's weill celebrate the memorial.
Nissan 14 is the day before ... -
LOL@Nathan. Ain't that the truth!
Simon, that's great but I'm trying give a good witness to my husband that the JWs have it wrong, I'm having this conversation with him right now... How do I fully explain how the Jews come up with the Day as being yesterday not today?
So far so good with the fact that tonight is actually Nisan 15 but I need to show him why the Jews started passover yesterday.
"We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel... There should be full liberty of conscience." -- WT April 1, 1920, p. 100, 101
Found this but did not copy the url.
JAN. 13 13 29 JAN. 21 17 46 JAN. 28 22 50 FEB. 4 13 33
FEB. 12 7 41 FEB. 20 12 02 FEB. 27 9 17 MAR. 6 1 24
MAR. 14 2 02 MAR. 22 2 28 MAR. 28 18 25 APR. 4 15 29
APR. 12 19 21 APR. 20 12 48 APR. 27 3 00 MAY 4 7 16
MAY 12 10 45 MAY 19 19 42 MAY 26 11 51 JUNE 3 0 05
JUNE 10 23 46 JUNE 18 0 29 JUNE 24 21 42 JULY 2 17 19
JULY 10 10 26 JULY 17 4 47 JULY 24 9 07 AUG. 1 10 22
AUG. 8 19 15 AUG. 15 10 12 AUG. 22 22 29 AUG. 31 2 31It did not show up in columns by moon phases the way I copied it, here is the url.
"We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home." Edward R. Murrow
Thanks, Borgfree... but what IS that? I haven't any idea how to "read" it or what it means!
Look for it some where in a WT. I don't have time to do it. The WT claims that the Jews in the first century celebrated on nissan 14 and that one small sect of Jews still do celebrate on nissan 14. If you look it's there somewhere.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.