Mind Reading and Reinstatement - Part 1

by RayPublisher 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    Ray, you have a PM

  • Londo111

    I will have to say these elders DID help me spiritually…I don’t think I would’ve learned TTATT without them. They are the ones that aided me in becoming an “apostate” more than anything else--and some day I may have to thank them for it. After waking up, every bizarre thing these elders said and did helped remind me this was a cult.

    During my appeal committee, one of the elders on the judicial committee explained their actions this way: “That’s what Mama directs us to do.” I’ve never heard the term “Mother” in reference to the organization before. I thought it was a bizarre quirk of this one elder…but of course, later I learned differently.

  • problemaddict

    Nice article. Thanks for writing it.

    I was DF'd once when I was younger, and I was still a believer. I was commiting (lots) of fornication, and my conscience riddled me. While I am not defending JW's, I also am not defending my actions.

    To be honest, the affair was very simple, they never asked details, tried to repair me spiritually, and reinstated me in like 5 months.

    I realize that is an outlying situation, but that what it was. Now the poor girl that also went to the elders.......very different situation.

    I honestly was very lucky to have alot of good elders around me early in life. I was insulated by the unreasonableness that I later found out abounds. Its why its pretty amazing i still came to the same conclusions as those who had been abused.

  • RayPublisher

    So many people are commenting on this it's amazing how many are seeking or have sought reinstatement that end up here and in other parts of cyberspace.

  • Londo111

    I met up with a lady Saturday evening who, if I understand her story correctly, was disfellowshipped for taking in a disfellowshipped friend who had nowhere else to live. It’s like if the Good Samaritan returned to his home village and the village elders DFed him.

    Some days I feel like Isaiah who said, “How long, oh Jehovah?”

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