Human beings can be a funny lot. You start a thread ,where did it go ?

by smiddy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    Surely most of you have had this experience at least once . You start a topic / thread and before you know it somebody has taken it way off on another tangent, completely away from your original topic , and evrybody has gone down that path .and you come back and think wtf ? happened here .? My theory is ,we see a topic ,have a pre-conceived idea what the topic is about and go with that , and not really looking at what the poster is trying to convey .Maybe we dont articulate in writing what we really mean to say .


  • Satanus

    Sometimes, they take on a life of their own. Mine usually die, fairly quickly. Lately, some have done better.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Probably because everyone has their own agenda and see's what they have to say as the most relevant.

    Now, stay tuned for a bunch of people taking this off topic....


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I go to research something and end up finding an off topic snippet and another and another until I have totally wandered away from my original search.

    The OP can always get the thread back on topic if they felt their point had not been explored to their own satisfaction but I love the way some threads meander off. I nearly always learn something new when they do.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah some numb nuts rambling on for 2 pages killing the thread.

  • Phizzy

    I notice it happens alot, what I try to do in posts is bring it back on topic by actually commenting on the thread title even if I have something to say on the views where the thread has gone.

    Sometimes it is actually a good thing, the thread starts out sort of O.K, but the drift takes us to more important territory, not always though. What annoys me is when some come on to a thread and it seems try to spoil it, move it away from views and facts that they don't like. JW Apologists are good at that.

  • prologos

    that is the beauty of conversations like this. one might suggest a topic and give a resume' of information gathered, but really be at once wits end, so everyone goes at it and the most interesting connections are learned by all.

    This process should be encouraged to some extend. only When it trails off into personality conflicts, wider readership will abandon interest.

    Profound truth have been learned by discovering hidden realities in known phenomena. and we are tapping here into the combined intelect of a notoriously exploration- friendly, anti-conforming bunch. example:

    All things are connected. take any one of the erroneous WT doctrines that prop up the belief-edifice, pull it out, and that particular house of card will hit the deck.

    here we go, sorry, off topic.

  • jgnat

    When I was a Sunday School teacher of toddlers, that very nearly happened every time. Perhaps that is why I am easy on tangents. I've let go of any idea that I am in control.

  • Ding

    This is why I recommend PMs for people who want to pursue a particular line of inquiry or discussion.

    Find someone on the board whose point of view interests you and PM them about it.

  • mouthy

    Witness007! who are you calling a numb nut >>>>ME?

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