Has a wrong disfellowshipping ever been reversed?

by lostnotfound 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Phizzy

    I know of one that was cancelled by means of declaring the baptism of the young lady in the first place to be null and void, due to her mental condition at the time of baptism. She only did this so as to be able to have full contact with her JW grand-parents, she knew TTATT by this time.

    It was funny when she was invited to the K.H for the Elders to explain their decision to her, she turned up in jeans, with a tattoo or two, and her hair dyed pink and purple, bless her !

    Another slightly off topic one, but involved an apology, was abrother I worked with had been taken off all privileges due to the conduct of one of his adult (over eighteen) sons who was not living at home at the time of his "offense". The Bro who had been demoted took it to about three different C.O's as time went on, the third C.O looked in to it, saw that it was unjust and made the Body of Elders issue an apology from the platform !!!!

    The Bro never took up privileges (Elder) again, and last I heard had not even answered in a meeting since he got his apology, why he keeps going is beyond me.

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    ScenicViewer did your story happen in Arizona?

  • Emery

    Happened to an elder at my hall, he was having an emotional with some lady, he was disfellowshipped without the elders following the proper procedures. I later found out they had no evidence and basically went about it based on hearsay from his wife. He was DF'd then active in about 1 month. Everyone still avoided the guy and his wife divorced him.

  • blondie

    I know a sister who was df'd wrongly, JC loaded with relaltives from the opposing position. Hers was rescinded but all but one on the elder body were removed (he was out of town). The elders moved and spun a different story...not realizing we were from that area and knew the facts...when we were visiting friends. The holy spirit failed to out them...evidently they thought God had left the land and was not seeing (or hearing) what they said.

  • BluesBrother

    No story here, although I have known them to be re instated so quickly (1 Month) that the cong took it as a mistake on the Committee's part. I was taken by this comment above:

    "The sister was convinced that The Truth had won out and never even thought of turning away from The Org"

    That is sadly just so typical. I can point out all the problems in The Borg. My family watched that "Panorama" documentary on child abuse among J W's. Everything is just put at the door of inept local elders. The favourite saying is "Jehovah has to use the men he has available, and these days they are not up to much"

    Faith in the central organization and overall concept seems unshakeable

  • Emma

    I was in the Livonia, West (Michigan) congregation in the late '60s early '70s and they nullified the disfellowshipping of a young man in the congregation. It was an unusually kind and loving congregation, even the elders. Everyone greeted him with warmth after the meeting.

  • Splash

    So I wonder if you can applaud when a disfellowshipping is reversed, since you can't applaud a reinstatement:

    *** km 2/00 p. 7 Question Box ***

    Although we are very happy to see someone return to the truth, applause at the time of his or her reinstatement would not be appropriate.


  • NoRegrets

    I just want to comment that I knew Flipper went through a lot, but him willing to retell his story to others needs some real admiration. That had to be such a traumatic and drawn out process and I just want to say thanks for sharing your story! You are one of the kindest posters on the board and deserve a shout out! I really admire and second all that 00Dad said! NR

  • ScenicViewer


    did your story happen in Arizona?

    No, it was in central California. Do you know of a similar case in Az?

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Concurring with AnneB and the others that "rescinded" is the official Service Dept term.

    SF Bay Area, three elders decided to DF an inactive dude without him coming to a JC. They didn't follow Watchtower-approved procedures and just announced that "Brother Flaky is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses".

    Brother Flaky heard about it through the grapevine and wrote the branch. About 4-5 months later, the same a$$hole who announced the DFing had to get up and say "The announcement that Brother Flaky is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses..........has been rescinded".


    Most dubs just did double takes and said "What does that mean?"


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