Cedars, you give these guys way too much planning credit if you think they build to suit some other need later.
They build to keep the members' money in-house instead of renting an auditorium. Their only future plan for new facilities if membership shrinks is to squeeze all the Disctrict Conventions into their own buildings.
But it does have that look. I will give an opinion on that: It has been suggested that WTS and it's regional building committees over-buy materials to allow some underhanded movement of said materials. It might be best to build a standard retail-like facility in order to over-buy the type of materials that can be easily used in other projects not connected to Watchtower.
"We received an international award for having one of the flattest most level floors of 2012."
I challenge such statements from any source, certainly from Watchtower. Most awards are from your own colleagues. Who the hell offers such an award? I didn't find it in "The Outstanding Buildings of the Year" (TOBY) Awards at boma.org (Building Owners and Managers Association International)
I think it is strange to have an auditorium with a level floor instead of a pitch to allow better viewing from the rear. They probably threw in that comment and gave themselves the award to silence members who ask why the floor couldn't be pitched.
"It is amazing how Jehovah, His Holy Spirit is directing this."
Have they seen some mega-churches? Satan does just as well, better often.
"Jehovah's hand in all the decision-making."
So when a toilet doesn't work properly, was that Jehovah picking out that model? Or when the water fountain handle breaks, did Jehovah choose that one?
"51% ... were sisters"
They like to show many female workers involved. They really believe acknowledging them allows them to treat women like second-class sisters.
The whole thing just disgusts me, it's so easy to see the brainwashing when you take the red pill.