i am dissassociated

by zev 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    my letter, a one page 4 line d.a. letter was mailed sunday.
    it simply stated, i was dissassociating myself.

    i received an email, tuesday, that they had received it.

    my guess is it will be announced next tuesday.

    i will and am, finally free.

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America
    U.A.D.N.A.--Rhode Island

  • Frenchy

    Zev: I can imagine how difficult this was for you. I hope that you finally have closure to this thing and that you can go on with your life.

    It's truly amazing just how much 'the truth' (which, in fact, was not) affected our lives. I marvel at just how much anguish and pain it has caused for those who finally see that it's not what they thought it was.

    I've never been a mormon or a member of another high control group so I cannot compare it with those...but being a Witness has truly been a unique experience to me.

    I've said this many times already but here goes anyway: You don't know how much I wish that it would have been what it said it was.

  • Francois

    Good for you. Now you can really enjoy the freedom of the sons of God.


  • LB

    So you're free Zev. I think I would enjoy that feeling. How do you feel about it now?

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Elsewhere

    Sad and stressful congratulations are in order. I don't know how it felt for you to drop that letter in the mail, but for me it was a numb release.

    Don't forget to play the last part of their politics and print out a copy of the email.

    Welcome to FREEDOM!

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Dutchie

    Zev, that was truly a brave thing to do. Congratulations on your integrity. Sometimes I feel that its just easier to go along and not make waves, but then you have to be true to yourself don't you? You have to live life for yourself and not bend to the desires of outside forces, whatever they might be. Good luck to you!

  • zev

    how do i feel?


    i'm not posting a private email from my friend here.
    lets just say, the elder friend i had showed true mixed feelings, and i could se he was fighting his "programing" and his humanity.

    he was sincere, but yet, he did end our communication.

    though i wrote him back, i doubt i'll ever hear or see him again.

    i expected that much and was prepared for that.
    it was no suprise.

    as far as how i did it, i just wrote a simple letter, like i said, 4 lines, here, i'll copy and paste it here:

    SomePlace Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    Body of Elders,
    This is to inform you that as of this date, I no longer wish to be considered one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and do herby formally disassociate myself from the SomePlace Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, The Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and any other names this religious organization functions under.

    Gwen and I were out Sunday for a drive and stopped at the post office to mail it.

    It was what i told her. A moment. I wasn't numb, i wasn't all emotional, I just knew this was the right thing for me to do.

    the relief was great.

    it really and truly was.

    it was precipitated by alot of things.

    i went back and forth for months about this, nearly 4 months.

    i reasoned back and forth, could i fade? would i be left alone?
    should i just do it, and relief the stress of the whole thing?

    i had one "friend" who wrote me, and then another elder who dropped me and email, and i heard through the grapevine, that they (elders) were "assigned" to meet with my former wife. i figured, it was time, and made up my mind this is what i wanted, all along, and was just fighting my own inner self from something, i shouldn't be denied.

    wouldn't you know, after i wrote that letter out, within 2 days, 2 more people contacted me trying to find out where i disappeared to?

    thats when i knew it was gonna be ok, and i will be fine now.
    i mailed it the next day, and i just took a moment to take in the feeling, to set in in my mind, so i'd be able to think back and enjoy the thoughts, and feelings that went with the moment.

    it was really a great feeling.

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America
    U.A.D.N.A.--Rhode Island

  • JBean

    Hi there Zev... I want to say congratulations... but still that seems kind of the wrong thing to say, ya know? I am so happy for you with the decision you made. I'm glad you're feeling really good about it. May I ask what part of Rhode Island you're in? I'm kind of close... and thought maybe, one day when I'm in the state, I'd love get in touch just to chat. It seems many of the folks here live far away from "us". : ) I'm hoping to achieve what you have sometime soon... again... congrats.

  • TheStar
    i went back and forth for months about this, nearly 4 months.
    i reasoned back and forth, could i fade? would i be left alone? should i just do it, and relief the stress of the whole thing?

    This is what I'm currently going through. I really want to DA myself and just move on with my life but then I also don't want my husband and his family to shun me so I guess I can't have it both ways. The hardest part is this "stuck" feeling and not knowing WHEN it will all be over and I can be completely free and truely happy.

    I'm glad to hear that you feel "great" and are finally free. It's sounds like it truely was the right time for you to do it. It gives me hope to hear accounts such as yours. I wish you the best and above all happiness in your future always.

    "We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel... There should be full liberty of conscience." -- WT April 1, 1920, p. 100, 101

  • zev


    i didnt have the burden having to worry about who was gonna shun me.

    my family is all out. i was the last one. they all left or never pursued for all different reasons.

    what i have done is cut off, all my former friends, which were conditional, and 2 step sons, their wives and one grandchild. oh, and the former wife.

    seeing as how almost 4 months have gone by, without any effort to contact me from any of them save, the soon to be ex-wife.

    after 4 months, you'd figure someone would want to say something even if it was mean. nope. nothing.

    not one word.

    the loss, is theirs.

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America
    U.A.D.N.A.--Rhode Island

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