I don't think there is anything I could accomplish to make me feel that my life was worthwhile or "OK...I can die happy now" but I do know there is great satisfaction in completing difficult tasks or aquiring new skills.
To me each day is new and if I make it through this day with a good measure of peace, did what I could do within my own personal circumstances to ease the burdens of those I was in contact with and I did something that will make tomorrow better; I consider it a success.
We aren't human doings....we're human beings. I never want my life to be such a chore that I feel I MUST always accomplish something in order to feel it was worthwhile or ever view my past as a waste of time because I didn't get certain things accomplished. Rather I would like to accomplish things simply because something inside me led me to them or I was somehow inspired to do something out of the ordinary. I never want to set out to do something simply because I needed to prove my worth.