Of course this was ment to be a sort of satirical joke in the coverage of a special annual business meeting :
"All those in attendance rose from thier seats with rapturous applaus as they were delighted to find out that they were now part of the domestics and would be gladly serving with prominant annointed who make up the Governing Body(surveilllance camera shots showing all applauding)."
"This certainly was a milestone in the glorious history of the Organization, and proper appreciation was shown by all even prominant Governing Body member Anthony Morris said:"I like the Idea" with a broad shit eating grin. Indicating Jehovah liked it to, this marked a new and bold journey into the unknown as the Governing Body take thier proper place of authority in preparation for the big transfere of power when Jesus at Armegedon hands over all his belonging in heaven and on earth to them so they can rule with him."
"The entire program was of great encouragement for all to keep submitting to authority of the GB or else die at armegedon, the crowd was eeeestatic! and determined to stick to the Governing Body like glue reguardless thus demonstrating unshakeable faith that wins Jehovah's approval."
"The next speaker Stephen Lett who bares a striking likeness to Marshall Applewhite of the Heaven's Gate fiasco said:"Where else can we go? You already invested so much of your life to the organization don't quit now!" and the audience agreed, that to leave the organization now would be just like jumping off the Titanic into a life boat in the cold cold water so they rather stay on to the very end where they were warm and comfortable."