New Light From Governing Body About Faithful Slave Greeted Rapturous Applause From All In Attendance Indicate Jehovah's Approval And That They Final Got It Right

by frankiespeakin 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Of course this was ment to be a sort of satirical joke in the coverage of a special annual business meeting :

    "All those in attendance rose from thier seats with rapturous applaus as they were delighted to find out that they were now part of the domestics and would be gladly serving with prominant annointed who make up the Governing Body(surveilllance camera shots showing all applauding)."

    "This certainly was a milestone in the glorious history of the Organization, and proper appreciation was shown by all even prominant Governing Body member Anthony Morris said:"I like the Idea" with a broad shit eating grin. Indicating Jehovah liked it to, this marked a new and bold journey into the unknown as the Governing Body take thier proper place of authority in preparation for the big transfere of power when Jesus at Armegedon hands over all his belonging in heaven and on earth to them so they can rule with him."

    "The entire program was of great encouragement for all to keep submitting to authority of the GB or else die at armegedon, the crowd was eeeestatic! and determined to stick to the Governing Body like glue reguardless thus demonstrating unshakeable faith that wins Jehovah's approval."

    "The next speaker Stephen Lett who bares a striking likeness to Marshall Applewhite of the Heaven's Gate fiasco said:"Where else can we go? You already invested so much of your life to the organization don't quit now!" and the audience agreed, that to leave the organization now would be just like jumping off the Titanic into a life boat in the cold cold water so they rather stay on to the very end where they were warm and comfortable."

  • frankiespeakin
  • label licker
    label licker

    Frankiespeakin, thank you for confirming what we had posted yesterday about Jesus belongings. We're not the only ones that were told this. Society is suppose to post what those belongings are in heaven as well as on earth. The brother didn't know when or what watchtower exactly you would hear the "good news". He said maybe in the April W.

  • label licker
  • frankiespeakin

    O and kudo's to Ceders for putting these on Youtube.

  • Larsinger58

    Thanks for the update. But it's just a joke. To know what the WTS is thinking, you have to follow their cultic artwork! Look at the seeing-eye pryramid at Russell's grave. Look at the winged sun disk on the early literature. It's just a front.

    The WTS is like Satan, determikned to fulfill being the "false prophet" right to the very end since they have little choice.

    Satan will continue to deceive many, but he cannot deceive the chosen elect.

    When the WTS tells its followers to stick with the organization, what they are saying is stay on the broad road, which leads off into destruction. They do not have the truth.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Wow, its like the opposite of 1935 when Rutherford announced "Behold, the great multitude" after thousands stood up to profess an "earthly hope," for the first time, an announcement also greeted by rapturous applause by all in attendance.

    pre-1935 = all JW's are in the new covenant

    post-1935 = the 'other sheep' are not in the new covenant

    pre-2012 = the 'other sheep' are not domestics

    post-2012 = the 'other sheep' are now domestics but still not in the 'new covenant'

  • frankiespeakin

    The Governing Body use the video to adjust the rank and file and show them the proper attitude to new light. What a convoluted disjointed reasoning from the bible to prove a rediculous delusion of grander concerning the appointments of the Governing Body to be dictators over the rank and file. These guys are sick sick sick mentally and thier words show it.

    Herd's example of Jesus feeding many with the hands of a few(I'm guessing he's talking about feeding the crowds with a few fish and some bread) and then twists it to fit the Governing Body feeding the millions of rank and file(domestics) self glorifying bull shit so as to keep a dying organization from going bankrupt.

  • frankiespeakin

    The Annual Meeting hype and spin that meets with Jehovah's/Governing Body approval.

    Get a look at the very cute sister that had a person (probably male) asked where they could sign up for a bible study, god how corny can they get?

    What do you think of the Governing Body use of little children to deflect from thier child molestation lawsuits now in progress, some already been settle out of court for millions of dollars and gag orders, and the most prominant being the Conti law suit win that is being appealed.

    The reasons they give for excitement and joy of the assembled crowd how contrived and unashamedly cult like is that propaganda. I'm sure the Governing Body live in thier own dream world centered on a delusionary divine appointment from thier imaginary friend which they use as a sock puppet to control these poor misguided people:

  • frankiespeakin

    Just thought to put the words to the song the children are singing. It seems that a definate move is under way to focus on children to become indoctrinated more and learn to listen and obey to all that the Governing Body says, which could be very dangerous, or work great harm when it comes from a group getting sued for lack of fudiciarry duty towards children in who were molested by putting them in harms way, not only this but we have many children who already lost thier live by blindly listening to and obeying the Governing Body's ban on life saving blood with the threat of disfelloshipping.


    If we have listened to Christ, will we show it?
    His teaching shines as it shows us the way.
    It makes us happy to hear and to know it,
    But we'll be blessed if we know and obey.

    Listen, obey, and be blessed
    When you hear God's will expressed.
    If you'd be happy and enter his rest,
    Listen, obey, and be blessed.

    Our way of life, like a house, gives protection
    When it is built on the rock, not on sand.
    If we apply Jesus' loving direction,
    We'll build a life which on bedrock will stand.

    Listen, obey, and be blessed
    When you hear God's will expressed.
    If you'd be happy and enter his rest,
    Listen, obey, and be blessed.

    Just as a tree rooted deep by the waters
    Gives of its fruit when each season arrives,
    If we obey as God's own sons and daughters,
    We'll all be blessed and enjoy endless lives.

    Listen, obey, and be blessed
    When you hear God's will expressed.
    If you'd be happy and enter his rest,
    Listen, obey, and be blessed.

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