Discussion with family member who is an Elder in our congregation

by Newly Enlightened 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Question, and I would like some advice. So if they call back and they will, should I happen to bring up an incident as to why i have Elder issues with Cousin Elder?

    Condensed version.

    When my daughter was going to get married, the kids asked Cousin Elder to marry them. When I mentioned that my daughter was back East meeting the family and would bring future Hubby home with her and he was going to stay here. CE pitched a royal fit and said that he could not stay here will all of us.He was nice enough to let future Hubby stay with him, but for the next 2 weeks made us jump thru hoops to comply with their 'Chaparone rule' It was a hardship on our family because CE lives 20 miles away, so it was 40 miles round trip, EVERYDAY, which at the time gas was $4 a gallon, so besides paying for a wedding we're trying to keep gas in our truck and since we had to let him use one of our trucks, I"M STUCK at home without transportation.

    Just a few months later, he starts dating Hubby's cousin, who is living with us at the time, I chaparone them their first date, then CE sits here in my living room and makes the statement "Chaparones at our age is ridiculous!" They then proceed to date for the next few months ALONE. We even know they would go park up on the mountain to watch the city lights until midnight. Now, I don't care what they were doing, that's their personal business.

    But the point is: How can you possibly counsel my kids & I about chaparones then turn around and totally blow it off?

    SO, here's the question to all my friends out there....Should I bring it up and make it their fault as to why I'm going inactive? Or just forget about it?

    That's why I've had it with Stormtrooper Elders!!! I'm done!

  • problemaddict

    Yeah bringing that up is just typical JW drama. You don't need it, and they won't care. JW drama liek that almost feeds these type of guys. You stepped in in with cousin elder, BUT......you ONLY talked to him. They need two witnesses to mess with you. So don't meet with them, and if you feel like you have to, just nod politely and tell them nothing.

    If you don't think you can do that, than don't meet with them.

    You can be the architect of your own demise, or the orchestrator of your freedom. Its all on you and your self control. Its hard itsn't it. :)

    It gets easier!

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Exactly. They have NO authority over me anymore!!!

  • truthlover

    Getting back to the "Mother" organization again, I did some research and they are re - hashing the 1957 edition of the WT on this subject and , after being dropped before, now are bringing it back again, saying that the mother organization is heavenly - Jehovahs woman, whenceforth came Jesus, BUT the kicker is that now the 144,000 - Jesus' bride --- will be part of that heavenly organization called mother and the question is: Does that make Jesus inferior to the 144,000? After all, the 144,000 only died righteous for their own sake, they did not die for the world of mankind who put faith in Jesus sacrifice so why would they be elevated to a higher position than Jesus

    By the way NE, I had the exact same questions after I heard the talk and it has bothered me to the extreme. I have mentioned this to other Dubs but I think I am now marked, so be it.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Exactly Truthlover:

    They just don't see that the GB is elevating themselves above Christ. ALL authority was given him ,are they just trying to get some of that power for themselves?

    But JWdubs or Elders don't want to hear that it's wrong and goes against the bible. They just want to believe it and no one is suppose to dare to question it.

  • irondork


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Newly Enlightened...Your comments about your Cousin Elder, saying your daughter has to have a chaperone, but him at his age, doesn't...yet he goes up the mountain and enjoys the "view" until midnight? lol

    I have a relative "X" who has been a hypocrite, all her life. She wouldn't allow a young engaged couple visiting her, to have 1 minute alone in her living room. She watched them like a hawk. She was about 60 at the time. I really don't understand this. "X" has never been DF, though if she was honest, which she isn't, she should have been DFed , for years and years and maybe not let back in yet. lol

    She got an STD as a baptized teenager. When she got married a few years later at the KHall, her wedding was a hoot. Her and all of her attendants were dressed in white. lol I suspect she may even have had an abortion, from this guy, before she even married him.

    Just Lois

  • irondork

    Newly Enlightened: Then he goes "well we don't want to see you leave Jehovah." I said 'I'm not. I am loyal to God & Jesus no matter what. It's imperfect men I'm done with." He goes, but we're so close to the end.

    This tickles me.

    I had a pioneer sister and an elder show up at our door a few week back (random call - they didn't know we lived here) and when she asked if we were still going to the XXXX congregation (she transferred to another cong. before I DA'd), I said no. We are no longer part of the organization. Before she could interject, I added, "But we have not left Jehovah. We left a religious organization that we no longer believe in. We are still very active in our Christian worship."

    The elder stood silently in the background. Pioneer sister said, "But, all the prophesies are being fulfilled."

    I said, "Yes they are."

    But I was thinking, what the heck does prophesy fulfillment have to do with no longer believing in a religion? Or in the story you're telling, Newly Enlightened, what does the end being near have to do with the fact that you are fed up with their BS and refuse to tolerate it anymore. If the end is going to come, it's going to come no matter where I am, what I'm doing, or who my associates are.

    "The end is near" or "The prophesies are being fulfilled" is nothing more than a scare tactic used by the WT society to reel 'em in and the drones weild that propaganda like... like, uhm... like there's no tomorrow!

  • Fed-up

    Preaching, as done by most Jehovah's Witnesses, is done to convince the "preachor" as much as the "preachee". They must constantly reinforce for themselves the statments they share so they continue to believe them.

    If a witness were to disconnect from the constant stream (the Spiritual Lifeline, ugh) for even a short time they would start doubting. They would see that "worldly people" are not wicked, just trying to make it in this world, and dealing with judgemental Christians doesn't help things at all. They would also see that their Religion is not that different than any other. They just think it is because they are told that all the time, reinforced by countless "experiences" that make Jehovah's Witnesses seem so great.

    The first 'wake up' call I had was in the ministry, with an elder. We walked through an apartment building and he commented repeatedly on how dirty the stairwells were and how they smelled horrible. When he started making comments about the kind of people who must live there (the very SOULS we were there to save, whatever.) I got really embarrassed and asked him to lower his voice ( this dude loves to hear himself talk.) Same thing happened not too long after that in a car group where they discussed the kind of people who live in trailer courts. The prejudice (pre-judgment) was gross. It made me think of times as a kid when I would hear Pioneers and Elders Wives say things like "They weren't interested. Hope I don't trip over thier dead bodies after armageddon..."

    What capped it was how they referred to the religious beliefs of those they preached to as "stupid"... Any witness who was openly treated that way by someone of another religion would cry about persecution and pat themselves on the back for being different enough to be persecuted....

    rant over.

  • wallsofjericho
    Me: Do you remember what you said that it would be apostasy?
    E: I never said that

    so typical

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