Is The Governing Body's "Jehovah" A Bright Light Or A Dim Bulb?

by frankiespeakin 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    With all this new light replacing old light one has to really wonder about this God?

    In the begining God said: "let there be light" and it was so for about a 1/2 hour and then it went back out.

  • dazed but not confused
  • frankiespeakin

    I think the Governing Body should admit Jehovah just don't know how to guide these guy, always giving them wrong dates and interpetation of what the bible means and all, I mean listen to thier talks they are rediculous in the way they take a verse from the bible and twist it to mean something which it is not even close to what it means, look how freely they dogmatically say this means this with out even batting an eye.

    Yes I think the Jehovah of the Governing Body's imagination is a moron just like them he can rise no higher than these self appointed men to the delusional office of spokeman for the almighty nincompoop called Jehovah in GB's imagination.

  • WTWizard

    Joke-hova is a compact fluorescent squiggly thing. If that thing doesn't like how you are responding, it will push harder until it starts a fire and burns you out. Not to mention, joke-hova makes "sins" out of things that are merely perfectly normal and make us humans instead of animals.

    On the other hand, Satan offers pure light that is akin to broad daylight. Pure, clear light--no "sins" that are merely normal activity. In fact, Satan's only sin is stupidity--for sure Adam and Eve chose to obey Satan's order against stupidity instead of joke-hova's myriad of orders intended to enslave them.

  • flipper

    " Is The Governing Body's " Jehovah " A Bright Light Or a Dim Bulb " ? - Neither. Both " Jehovah " and the WT Society ( same thing ) are a broken bulb scamming millions of people of their time, energies, life, and financial resources. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • frankiespeakin

    5 Govering Body member weigh in with 5 talks show at least a 5:8 majority in the body over the new light teaching.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    The governing body are eight really dim bulbs.


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Dim bulbs that haven't been screwed into a light source. But bright enough to screw everybody else into believing they ARE THE source.

  • punkofnice

    Jehovah(TM) is just a business trademark to act as a front to cover the GB who act like a paedophile ring.

  • haboob48

    Do you guys think that their, the GB's, Halegen Light fluid is low? (HAAAAAAAAAAAA)

    Here is a funny youtube video........

    It is a funny prank but everytime I hear of the" new light thing' I think of this.


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