To those still "in" - how do you keep up a facade?

by magotan 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    Can you say Panic Attacks. Go to the bathroom, splash some

    water on your face. Doing the meetings get up, go and sit in

    the car. Tell your dad, I don,t know what,s the problem but

    I can,t sit tru the meetings anymore. Don,t worry about liying,

    the borg have lied to you all your life.

  • insearchoftruth4

    Get on Magotan with the plan! a Great thing.

  • Zordino

    I usually go for a bathroom break and sit in my car, check emails and go online from my ipad........ that wastes about 20 mins. I stoped going to the service meetings. Only go to the Sunday one to keep the family company..

    And yes, I also fantasize about a couple of Hot sisters when I'm there.

  • bigmac

    have a bit of fun

    do you do talks?--if you do--make a few careful mistakes--like--wrong facts--or false doctrine---see if anyone notices

    if doing a long--public--talk------stop halfway through---thenn repeat the first half all over again--but no-one realises

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I grew some "White Widow" and "Northern Haze" for times like these, funerals I need to attend.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    You guys are too funny.


    Just Lois

  • pixel

    Is not easy to keep up a facade. Sometimes is just a plain-old-facade.

  • punkofnice

    I couldn't keep up the charade.

    I had to leave. It cost me my family. I hoped it wouldn't.

    No wonder I'm feeling bitter! Nothing to do with being angry at Jehovah(TM). I want revenge against the GB.

  • likeabird

    If you have to go, just turn up late. Ten minutes before it ends is even better with just enough time to use the bathroom.

    You know, had to work late, traffic least you made the effort to be there...what do the complainers want...that you don't come at all...

    Else you can get a migraine at convenient times...

    If a tablet is frowned on, just print a bunch of interesting stuff to read, making sure one or two pages are wt library printouts of something on that week which you can flash when people look in your direction

    And as Dazed said, choose your seating wisely

    I've seen people sit through meetings with earphones in their ears the whole time. If you sit against the wall you could entertain at least one ear this way...

    For service, if you have do it, make sure you turn up just after everyone left so you can say you went out and just had to work on your own...we all know how that goes...

  • Roberta804


    Love your suggestion. Weed just before the meeting will make it pass faster. I used to take vodka with me and take hits in the john. Write draft letters to those you want/need to write to. Take a college class and do your homework in a discreat way. My favorite is sit at the back, leave as the program starts, go shopping, and come back 10 minutes before they end. By the time they suspect what you are doing summer will be over.

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