Aussie Oz>>>>>Good for you.
Yes! Opportunity and choice. Wars are fought for that kind of freedom.
Just Lois...saying Good morning to you Aussie Oz and Good night to everyone in North America.
by LoisLane looking for Superman 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Aussie Oz>>>>>Good for you.
Yes! Opportunity and choice. Wars are fought for that kind of freedom.
Just Lois...saying Good morning to you Aussie Oz and Good night to everyone in North America.
I did my degree and masters in the days before Student Loans were even thought of. I received a grant and lived OK on that for the five years at University.
Even here in the UK that situation has changed and one needs to consider carefully what subject will be most benefit for the future.
However, it is not only a financial consideration. The WTS only associates education with greed and fame. They cannot and will never understand about job satisfaction and fulfilment. When I was working I looked forward to going to work each day. That's worth a lot.
I was lucky enough to do all my higher education whilst working, sponsored by my company. It was tough, jugggling work, homelife and of course the JW stuff, especially when doing my masters at the time our daughter was born, but at least their was no financial worries.
St George of England>>>>>Thank you for your post. What you said, never gets printed in Watch Tower literature .
"Have they never heard of job satisfaction and fulfillment?"
I have come to laugh, when I hear or read, through the decades, of how higher education equates to wanting greed and fame. (Face palm, shaking head) These guys, not only are ignorant but they are arrogant too.
The Watch Tower Society are religious Cowards and Bullies. They are the Greedy Ones.
I read a book, years ago, about Arnold Schwarzenegger. A muscle builder, fellow competitor, asked Arnold, how do you build such big muscles? His answer. He drinks a lot of salted water. Not.
Do the 8 little pointed hatted pope- ettes , want you to wake up and leave? I don't think so.
Do They have power/greed and fame? Yes.
Have They successfully gotten, where They want to be? Yes.
Do You have job satisfaction? No? Can You find a way to remedy that?
Are you living the life You want?
The 8 pope - ettes , have a retirement package. Do you?
The Herald of God's Truth ( tm) take vacations. Do you?
The miser who wants Your money, Your Deeds, Your sellable property, Your jewelry, Your pension and Your death benefits...they even want your little kids allowance, and even pocket change, will do. Gimme , Gimme...Feed me...Gimme.
Do They have power over you? Only if You let them.
Just Lois Keeping It Real
Obama graduated from the same college that I did and my law school, while not Harvard or Law, is ranked almost immediately under them.
We should be proud of each other's accomplishments b/c we, more than anyone, know the price we paid for the opportunity. Peope did not cheer us. Education was not mocked.
I don't understand the personal vindictiveness.
We should celebrate each other. I don't see myself as smarter here. Rather, I see myself as part of community of interesting, educated people. Accomplished people don't trounce each other for achievement. I don't seek stupid people so that I feel better. No, I like to be surrounded by engaging people.
Most of the grads from college and law school are investment bankers, large firm partners, writers, artists, medical doctors, anthropologists and choreographers. My roommate was a White House intern.
You seem to have personal problems. I feel sad for you.
Thank you Lois,
Currently living in the library until the early hours and working all day on the wards, it is hard to keep focused on the goal and endpoint, it has been so long and it is easy to lose perspective. I think I will die of shock and emotion when I graduate! Maybe when I have worked and lived a little I will pop over to the USA and shake the hands of other ex JWs/bethelites/pioneers/publishers that have got themselves into education . Hearing of ex JWs doing this really tugs at my heart strings, getting out of a cult and starting again will always be the taint on our life, the before and after moment. Its so great to hear of people living in the after.....
The world is not perfect, it never will be, but it is an awesome place and education is a fine way to start a life, even a second one x
Snare xxxxx
Ps mature = 32 :) x
Personal problems? We're all part of the same circus called life. Some swim in the bottom of a pill bottle, while others just roll with it. But I must apologise for getting the Magical Misery Tour started on herself.
JoJo was a woman who thought she knew Obama
But she didn't have the balls
JoJo says she went to Ivy League institutions
After she left the Kingdom Hall
Get Back!
Get Back!
Get Back to where you once belonged.
Get Back JoJo!
Sad. Very sad. Your own comments say more than I could ever write.
And wgy the hel should Malvinas care? What is the obsession?
Band >>>>>I always enjoy hearing from you. Your perspective is always fresh and new. You talk about your slice of life and share your struggles.
I enjoy because I like people and this Group of people, are my kind of people. lol
Looking at the different topics and "going" into one room or the "other" room/topic is fun. I don't have to stick around if I don't care what is being said.
Freedom of choice is American. to me is like being at a big party. If someone is unfortunately mean spirited toward me, their loss, not mine and I take myself onto another, happy thread, one that suits me.
Being happy, is my choice.
There are over 7 billion people on this earth. I do not have to like each one.
Just Lois