With all the control they want to have over people's lives, I wonder if going brazilian down there (male or female) would be cause for readjustment??? LOL I can see Sister A telling the elders on Sister B ... LOL... I wonder what scriptures they would use to make their point across ... I know that for non-JW this would sound totally crazy but as an Ex-JW I know that this is totally possible ...
Brazilian waxing and JWs
by Bella15 27 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sure the elders would have to "investigate" to find out if the rumor were true...
Sounds like yet another topic that should be covered in the Beast - tower...sd-7 is gonna be busy!
I remember when i was in, i knew at least 2 "sisters" that did it, and didn't have much issue talking about it.
I never heard anybody making a stink about it.
Lol. Yeah I am pretty sure opinions run the gammut on this within JW's just like anywhere else.
Of course......as soon as I say that there will be a question from readers on it.
Something like, "Well do we want to give the appearance we are prepubescint? Would we be encouraging our mate to have pedophilia tendencies? Jehovah has blessed us with a rich bounty of pubes for a reason. They serve many functions including but not limited to trapping debris, and keeping the area warm and ripe for copulation with the intent of procreation. It is of note, that many stars of pornographic movies engage in such practice. Would it be proper for a Christian to engage in the same form of hair restriction around there genitals as those who dishonor God with the profane use of their bodies?"
Oh man......I am making myself laugh and could totally keep going.
It is quite obvious that pubes and such serves as speed bumbs and cushions for impact, not to mention keeping those parts warm while streaking.
The removal of hair from those areas is quite obviously the work of Satan !!
LOL! I was thinking about this b/c yesterday one of my relatives was having this done ... I think the JWs would also have a problem letting someone else NOT your doctor, wife or husband seeing your privates or naked body .... LOL .... can't stop laughing ... it would all depend on the kind of congregation you go to or the person you confide.
wha happened?
I'm not a fan of the scortched earth policy. I prefer the hedges trimmed
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
That's funny. I would ask any elder who brought this subject up how he found out this information, and furthermore how his 'source' saw it in the first place. I would assert my rights in the 'two witness rule' principle.
Captain Obvious
"Rich bounty of pubes" lol.
Seriously though, this should be a non-issue. Any elduh who would have a problem with it would obviously just be jealous that his ol' lady wouldn't dream of goin' smooth.
I'm not a fan of the scortched earth policy. I prefer the hedges trimmed
hahahahahahahaha!! agreed