i think normally i would be with the judge all the way....but i think it was clear that the girl thought it imprudent to tell the entire court how much jewelry she owned? her mannserisms for being in a court room were somewhat strange, but at the same time we are dragging these kids into court over what? because they want to use xyz substance? never in the history of mankind have we banned plants, but here we have a young girl in a courtroom going before the judge because of a substance derived from a plant....and now she is in prison and that will follow her forever? is this good to do? it's almost a situation where neither of them are wrong, yet neither of them are right.....with the percentage of right leaning slightly to the judge and the percentage of wrong leaning slightly to the girl....
did someone post already about this girl flipping off the judge?
by cptkirk 14 Replies latest social current
It was funny when I seen it yesterday. I think the Judges $10k fine was the stiffer judgement initially. He should have ignored the F-U
The kid was nervous..She said Adios/Good Bye..
So the Judge ups the Fine?!..
She says F-U and ends up with 30 days in jail..
The whole thing was stupid..
I don't think he was in the right to up her fine because she said adios. The fu came in reaction to an unjust thing to begin with... though it was still a stupid thing to do.
But i agree with Outlaw, that whole thing was stupid, and the judge is the one who should at least be knowing better.
She disrespected the judge by not taking seriously the dignity of the court and playing games with the "Adios" bit, she knew he had a Spanish accent and that's why she said it.
It may have been a hard lesson for her to finally get, but you can't disrespect a judge and think you can get away with it.
I don't like anyone involved.
I don't like the people who made it illegal to consume a substance without harming anyone but yourself.
I don't like the girl on trial, because she's stupid. (As in unintelligent. Not for disrespecting the judge. That's fine.)
I don't like the judge for arbitrarily changing 'justice' depending on his mood at the time. And for wasting taxpayers my money to fund his powertrip.
I don't like the audience for laughing at this sorry display.
She disrespected the judge by not taking seriously the dignity of the court and playing games with the "Adios" bit,
He dismissed her with "bye bye". To be respected one must first be respectable. Unless I suppose one is a judge and then one can be a prick and still expect to be respected.
I hold him to a higher standard. She's just a kid. I would expect the judge to act like a proffesional.
She disrespected the judge by not taking seriously the dignity of the court and playing games with the "Adios" bit,
They both had Spanish Accents..
I looked up Adios and it`s a "Formal" Good Bye..
It is hard to judge any circumstance like this where all you have to go by is a 3 minute clip. I would say she was just nervous and was trying to maintain some dignitiy (which the judge did not want to allocate to her) she is a fucking kid, she is not an experienced woman that knows what is what. i wouldn't jump to assumptions on her being disrespectful. more than likely, if she had no problem with being purely aggressive in a setting like that (flipping the finger at the end), then more than likely her demeanor spoke more to the fact that she is a nervous kid, rather than she was looking to play passive aggressive with the judge. in other words, if the girl had no reservations about speaking her true mind, then more than likely there isn't much to be "read into" with regard to her behavior prior to giving the finger. try and picture yourself at 18 in a scenario like that, and all for what? because she shanked some old man for his wallet? no, because she liked to take a substance which mellowed her out, god forbid. maybe the judge would prefer her to fornicate her problems away.
she could be the twin of a sister in my past cong.
How much more of a dumbass can she be?