Watchtower Corporation Twitter Account

by Calebs Airplane 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fed-up

    i'm surprised too, more surprised that i'm surprised though.

    Did you think it was hard to take them seriously before? To be clear. The WTB&TS are now TWEETERS who TWEET and want FOLLOWERS. THEY ARE NOW PART OF A SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITE. Do as we say, not as we do!

    hashtag @enuffz'nuff

  • Fed-up

    i'm surprised too, more surprised that i'm surprised though.

    Did you think it was hard to take them seriously before? To be clear. The WTB&TS are now TWEETERS who TWEET and want FOLLOWERS. THEY ARE NOW PART OF A SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITE. Do as we say, not as we do!

    hashtag @enuffz'nuff

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    wouldn't it make sense for them to include the twitter button on i guess that would be too "worldly" and may cause some brothers to stumble.

    i think we should all "follow" this twitter account and then bomard it with "informative" tweets and links to this site and others. We should strike fast, before they realize what a big mistake it was to engage in worldly social networking.

  • sabastious

    Their first tweet should have been "resistance is futile."


  • straightshooter

    Amazing how times change. It was just a few years ago that the local BOE had several local needs parts on the dangers of facebook and twitter. They threatened to remove any privileges for those having such accounts. Now the branch is using twitter, maybe their privileges need to be removed.

  • Emery

    Can anyone find the awakes or watchtowers when they were first condeming social networking sites? I find this so hypocritical.

  • ShirleyW

    Just sent tweet below to this site, do you think I'll get an answer ? ? ?? ?

    Do you remember the WT articles&talks given about staying away from the Internet? What happened?

  • OneDayillBeFree

    Quick! If we all report it spam then twitter will have to shut it down!

    it has to be a lot of us in order for it to work!

    probably won't but its worth a shot & I wonder what would happen if it did.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Geeze Louise, When are they going to make up their minds, what the sheeples can and cannot do?

    No Internet...Bad...Next...Yes... Buy a computer-I-Pad...We have decided that we need our white washed graves to look smarter. Imagine how we will be viewed by this World...old ones, young ones... Come one, come all, Yes, to the Greatest Show on Earth. We are now allowed to have I-Pads. Wow. Don't you wish you too could be a sheeple and have an I-Pad? Then you can Twitter. Yay!

    Just Lois

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