How the Governing Body produces accurate knowledge

by Terry 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Terry are you writing a book on "The LIfe and Times of JWS"? You would make a hell of a author my brother!

    Well, I did write a book about my JW prison experience but most of it got lost on a crashed hardrive that wasn't backed-up.

    I saved various excerpts. Recently read them and gagged. It was dreadful! Glad I lost it.

    In my opinion, the best writing is when I don't get in my own way--and I tend to do that to excess. Good writing is a lot of editing and rewrites. Until fairly recently I was reluctant to do that.

    There are so darned many ex-JW and anti-apologetic books I just can't see how the market could absorb yet one more!

  • quincy_aka_quentin

    There are so darned many ex-JW and anti-apologetic books I just can't see how the market could absorb yet one more!...Terry

    I think IF you wrote a satrical, self-deprecating story, kept it stored in the cloud, you would sell a few......You write, I'll edit.

  • Terry

    I'm working (in my mind) on an interactive book as such.

    Watch this space...

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