We got a call from a Jehovah witness and they were willing to help shovel our drive way. I find it strange how these Jw's take an interest in our welfare.Where as others could care less. So I realize not all Jw's are bad.If only more of them take a geuine interest in others they would not be so bad. But that is just wishful thinking.
kindness of Jw's
by d 20 Replies latest jw friends
still thinking
People are people d...there are good and bad everywhere. Just because someone is a JW, it does not make them a bad person.
I'm an ex JW and I cleared my neighbour's driveway while they were at work...I have a blower and they don't...must not be as bad as my JW brothers say I am.
they want you to become JW like them.
I have been fortunate enough to have had kind neighbors who were not JW's, people willing to help you and don't shun others because they don't believe exactly the same way.
Some are truly kind hearted...but I think they would just be that way even if they were not JWs.
What ticks me off are the ones that withhold kind works from their neighbors because they have been influenced by the WT. The ones who have been tricked into thinking that distributing poorly written literature is more important than shoveling the drive or feeding the hungry in their area.
Others use their religion as an excuse to be a dick. Thinking of those who avoid their family at all costs simply because they are DFd or even inactive.
This couple I have known since I was about five or six. This Jw couple is geuine becuase they call just to check up.They also do not try to preach to us. These people I almost feel bad for becuase they are truly caring people it is just the religion that is bad.
LoisLane looking for Superman
d>>>>>This couple I have known since 5 or 6...are helping to shovel your driveway.
I am so happy for you that you still have old Friends who have unconditional love in their hearts for you.I know you would like to wake them up from their trance like state. Hopefully, something will jar their brain awake soon.
Just Lois
Their kindness is not kindness they are working their territory...if you are invited to their meetings and respectfully decline, they will never ever clean your driveway again ..lol lol lol
Unfortunately, many times that "kindness" is nothing more than a facade; a facade that has the objective of convincing you of how wonderful they are. Reminds me of a woman that wrote a book about Richard Nixon. She said that at one point while interviewing him that it was clear how important it was for Nixon that everyone see him as this "great guy", and all the extreme lengths that he went to portray this image. it occurred to the woman though, she apparently was close to him in some capacity, so she said to him, paraphrasing--Dick, why not just go ahead and be a really nice guy, and then you won't have to worry about all of this tactical maneuvering to be seen as one?
I'm sure you know many witnesses that fit this same mold. Not to say that some aren't sincere though.
Btw, there is a cookie program running on this web site that is doing a little extra cookie work than it should be :p hopefully it is benign. i'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Could even be just out dated code trying to compromise.