I never read a letter from the governing body indirectly blaming the elders for lording over at the Kingdom Halls .I know many elders do that ,but who authorized them ?Was it not the GB that few months ago through their elders school told them to be ruthless punishing anything and anyone that poses a threat to the congragation.What a bunch of twisted cowards ! They can't stand up for anything ,they even pretend that they don't exist telling the world that they are a nothing more than a theological arrangement ,a figment of our collective imagination.I never thought a figment of imagination would have this kind of control over so many people
Hot of the Press!!! YEARBOOK 2013 :Letter from the Governing Body
by raymond frantz 51 Replies latest watchtower bible
yadda yadda 2
Not a single mention of Jesus Christ. Compare that to the New Testament. JW's are really just a quasi-Jewish sect.
My take on it on cedars's thread a few weeks ago:
I found the whole GB letter curious and unsettling. It's like they're acknowledging that many JWs don't really want to be there (go get lost, then) but never mind because look at all the ones who, of their own volition and love, stay. It also struck me how the GB's assurances of love yet again rang hollow. They protesteth too much.
raymond frantz
Sorry I missed Cedar's POST a month ago ,I'll have a read now ,many thanks
Raymond, you've got mail!
If they have to write an annual letter saying "nobody is forcing you to do anything, you are totally doing all of this of your own free will" then clearly they are forcing you to do things. It's like a waitress bringing your plate to the table and the first thing she says (with a smile) is that nobody spit in your food. Then why are you even bringing it up?? If you have to specifically state "The elders we put in charge aren't trying to control you, they are just 'helping' you do god's will" then they are in fact controlling you. Otherwise it wouldn't even be an issue for discussion. This reads like cult propaganda.
I see this a bit differently.
I see this as a demonstration of power and a veiled threat.
I'll give you an example.
In the Dark Ages, the Catholic Church had to deal with many would-be critics, conspirators, apostates and such on a regular basis. Instead of dragging them to the dungeon and torturing them it was far more effective to do something more subtle.
The person of suspicion was taken to the place of torture and merely allowed to "view" the instruments so that an indelible stamp of CHOICE attached itself to their worst fear.
They were then inspired by 'choice' to knuckle under and avoid the implied consequence of disobedience or conspiracy!
It worked on Galileo. He had published a rather taunting book contradicting the mother church on earth's centrality in the solar system. After being escorted to the torture chamber and touring the various hideous instruments and smelling the stench of vomit, blood and perspiration, Galileo RECANTED his scientific opinion officially!
You see, a direct threat or command will often produce rebellion and resistance by resentment.
But, a subtle rendition of Blessings and Maledictions can work wonders!
I think that letter from the Governing Body is quite seething in implication!
My only comment about this pathetic letter is that i am so glad i am not counted in any of those numbers.