Any successful musicians out there? I need some advise please

by WillowTrees 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • WillowTrees

    I've compeleted some songs that are extremely raw/catchy/and different. You've probably heard it before, i'm sure as many people hear things like this before in the industry.

    I need some guidance. I have a demo that I think is extremely good, better than any song i've made so far. Every person i've shared with it, has used those words 'catchy, different, unique.'

    I work a day time job. I am trying to figure out how i can get this out there. i KNOW if people hear it, they will get it 'stuck in their head.' but not in a bad way, but a good way. (People are already doing/saying that). I just need someone to recognize the talent. But i know that people like britney spears and christina, lil wayne and etc.. just take someone else's music, put their lyrics on it, and POW! millions of dollars roll into them but the person that made the heart and core of the song, are just sitting around with their 4k check.

    i do have a plan, for this, and how to promote it, but I'm trying to cut the time, by hopefully getting sponsored so i don't have to work a full time job so I can complete a full album. I am NOT asking you to sponsor me, that's not what i'm asking for. The thing is I don't want to get caught in the music industry trap. Where people take your song and just use it to make money themselves, or some stupid contract that doesn't go with your best benefit. Now i'm sure you will say 'get a lawyer' that's not in my budget right now. i guess i'm asking for guidance into, how do I find an agent, what's the cost? How do I get it on the air? I don't want to be a sucker and get sucked into a contract or a FAKE agent that steals my song and uses it himself and promotes it for adifferent band or whatever.

    I just need someone to see the talent, and realize this will go viral on the net once I put it on but I don't know how to get it into the right hands. Any thoughts?


  • TheClarinetist

    Not in the industry, but a thought: If you haven't done it already, post it on YouTube and sell it on iTunes. You still own the music, and it'll get your music heard, and possibly even bought.

    Also, if it is already on YouTube, link please.

  • flipper

    WILLOW TREES - I'm just an amateur musician, been playing guitar and singing for a year and a half. I've written a good number of original songs and performed now at several open mike nights in my area. My son and I are in the process of creating an album in the next 6 months or so. I feel I have great original songs too- but I would imagine it's hard to get noticed unless you have some prominent business connections in the music industry.

    It may be a case for you of being patient and taking " baby steps " as the expression goes and my suggestion is perhaps posting a couple of songs on you-tube with you performing them and see what kind of feedback you get. Or you could " studio record " and somehow put material on the Internet and get feedback. Be forewarned ( as someone forewarned me ) that you may definitely want to copyright your songs so ome dildo brained individual doesn't steal your songs then tries to take credit for it. I intend to do that before I complete or put out an album. Something to think about . Good luck to you ! I wish you the best ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Posting on you youtube worked for this girl

  • WillowTrees

    How are you copywriting your material? Again, all i know is music, I don't know anything about the legal aspects and stuff. How do I copywrite this? I do want to copywrite it BEFORE I put it on youtube. I'm concerend this is 'too good' and someone will swipe it.


  • 2+2=5

    I am not doubting your ability, creativity or talent, but making a career out of music isn't just a matter of writing some catchy tunes. I think it takes some luck to get a break, it is almost like a lottery. There would be thousands of insanely talented musicians out there who earn a living from music, but could make much more money if they pursued different work.

    Mabe try sending some demos out to Indy radio stations and labels. In Australia we have a national radio station called Triple J unearthed where Aussie artists can upload their music. The station constantly plays unsigned bands and artists and many have become pretty successful.

    The problem is there are sooooo many bands and artists out there. Many of them phenomenally talented, and we will never even hear of them. Making good music does not guarantee anything. Much of the popular music today is fairly ordinary IMO.

    I love listening to and playing music, but would hate to try and earn a living from it. But this would never stop me from playing and writing, just that I would not get my hopes up. But in saying that I think you should pursue every avenue you can if that's what you want. I wish you well and hope you succeed. I am certainly no authority and definitely not a successful musician so take everything I say however you want.

    If I wasn't raised a dub I would no doubt be more involved with music, but I always considered it a 'worldly pursuit'.

  • hoser

    How are you copywriting your material? Again, all i know is music, I don't know anything about the legal aspects and stuff. How do I copywrite this?

    It depends on which country you live in. Copywrite laws vary from place to place.

  • flipper

    WILLOW TREES- If you want to get your tunes copyrighted then I would advise to google how to copyright songs on the Internet in your country. Hoser is correct, lots of different laws in different countries.

    As to what 2+2+5 stated I agree, very true. Essentially I believe a person pursuing playing music needs to do it for themselves first because you enjoy it and it's fulfilling to you personally- not just to try to get famous or successful. As 2+2+5 stated there are thousands of extremely talented musicians who never will be heard because they don't have the financial means to play the connection game with talent agents, or producers. Many play small gigs at clubs, open mikes, and still write music that others enjoy hearing performed but it's best not to get ones hopes up too high as there are tons of great musicians out there. It would be really hard to earn a huge living at it unless you get the connections and the stars align correctly.

    But keep trying , just maintain a modest expectation of what will happen, but keep pursuing your musical interests and dreams. Music is a healer, you never know who you will heal emotionally with your songs as well as yourself. Just keep recording your material to make an album and you never know what may come of it. Just stay realistic, humble, and honest. Another thing you may do that I did was check in your local area and local record store owners sometimes will put on a CD release party for artists or bands and have microphones and amplifiers available with room to put a small show on. I've had a local record store owner tell me he'll throw a CD release party for me when I finally get mine done and produced. Then you can burn some CD's , or do the MP3 thing and put your music online to sell or whatever.

    One thing that's helping me right now is the club I am doing open mike nights at has a radio station representative come in and he records your 15 minute performance onto a CD so you can have it and go home and see where you need to improve or tweak parts of your performance. It's really cool and I believe it's helped me to improve my game. Have done 3 of them now and I intend to keep doing one or two each month. They have it every Wednesday night at one of the clubs in my area. So thats another suggestion. Good luck to you ! Keep playing music no matter what ! You never know what will happen, but keep a level head and level expectations. Just enjoy the musical process ! And have fun doing it ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Terry

    Yes. I have an excellent lead for you.

    Go to and watch the introductory video and sign up.

    It is like a dating site for musicians, composer, performers and the Industry.

  • 00DAD

    WillowTrees, there are a lot of ways to be "successful" as a musician. Some of that depends upon how YOU define "success."

    First suggestion, read up on copyright laws. Here's a link to a nice primer on US Copyright basics:

    As far as opportunities to promote your own music, you might want to check out this website. They post opportunities and have many links to other resources to educate yourself.

    Keep us posted,



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