Thanks for sharing those videos...awesome!
How big the Universe is..,...
by cantleave 13 Replies latest jw friends
cantleave head was spinning from another thread with once again another lame debate about god and jesus. No science just belief which makes one sound like a child.
I know exactly what you mean Giordana, I understand why people have faith but IMO now that we have started to unscramble the codes of the life and the universe, it so unnecessary.
why does the knowledge that the VISIBLE universe is 14 billion light years in RADIUS size solve the enigma of the MAKING to have it exist?
why does the knowledge that the VISIBLE universe is 14 billion light years in RADIUS size solve the enigma of the MAKING to have it exist?
It doesn't. Having faith in personal creator is unnecssary because it is simply filling in the gaps in a our knowldge with an unprovable construct.