Think About It>>>>>"The Governing Body is his Board of Ed-u-cation".
Let's see, "the first man Adam, was created exactly 6,000 years ago", because, well, They know. They read it somewhere.
The Flood poured torrents of fresh water, for 40 days and 40 nights. And this fresh water from the sky covered the highest mountain tops. But salt water fish and fresh water fish and mammals, survived. It's a miracle. Praise Jesus.
You have to come to our classes at The Kingdom Hall for your weekly Indoctration, I mean Instruction. Where we will fleece you, I mean teach you, what to do, what to say, how to say it and what to wear. We can't have our Publishers...publishers, isn't that what we are? We're the Publishing House, so that would make you our stoolies, stooges, sto something...but we sell religious paraphernalia, they aren't students...but well OK call them students, can't have them know we call them stupid behind their backs.
Just Lois and if you're not laughing, I did something wrong