Had some interesting chats with my daughter today about whether she believes everything she hears at the meetings and reads in the watchtower.
Turns out she does.
Until i pressed on a few subjects... turns out she does not think worldly people are bad, that the WT is wrong for blanket statements about how evil they all are, that she does not think it is right that they have failed predicting the end for over a hundred years and disagrees when they keep pushing the end,
And i find this all rather alarming!
because although some lights are firing (and i mean that in a nice way!)
the cult dumbing down is working on the whole... unless probed to think she just figures its 'the truth' and it makes sense.
I really tried to challenge her when it comes to beleiving everything she hears whether on the news or from the platform.
Basically my message for the day was don't beleive a god damn thing you get told by anybody including me! You have to prove it to yourself, you have to look at all sides of everything before you can decide what you believe about anything, whether it is a news report or a bible teaching.
I hate that kids being raised as JWs have to be dealt this lesson so young when all they want is to be left alone to be and do teenage stuff...I hate having to disrupt the simplicity of life but her future is at stake...
Had a little chat to her the other day about a couple of things...
she had the friday off school i found out so she could go witnessing with the CO's wife and have lunch with them. Anyway, got to talking about the door to door work and whether she thought it was an effective method of preaching, which she does/did. I asked her if she was aware that after 130 years of preaching that most people could not tell you what the JWs believed but rather could only say what they didn't believe, and even then still get some of that wrong. I asked if she thought that the door to door work was really effective to which she concluded it was possibly not.
It led to talking about Campings methods, which the whole world were aware of and how in a very short time he was able to get his message out. Practically the whole world could tell you just what Camping taught. I brought up his use of the internet, the marches, the radio, the travelling truck billboards etc and she concluded they were very effective. I asked her to ponder on why the WT society had stopped using those methods of old as mentioned in the proclaimers book and DVDs...
Also lasked her if she was aware of Campings explanation for failure, and she thought his 'invisible' defense was funny and concluded he must be a false prophet... so i asked her if she thought the JWs had ever done the same thing. Her answer was no. Our little chat had to be up at that point so i left her by saying that she needs to look at her history, because she will find they have indeed done exactly what Camping did...
I hate the Watchtower. I loath the control, I despise the narrow mindedness of its adherants.
I hate what it does to teenagers.
As if teenagers don't have enough angst as it is without some bunch of old farts in Brooklyn controling their lives via their dumbed down ignorant parents.Without going into detail i found one of my kids had visited a coule of websites that really disturbed me. You read between the lines...and its not porn either. This led to an emergancy call to my kid about the site and what it was about. As much as i love freedom of information, i wish google and wiki would remove said stuff...
I got a kick in the guts wake up call. I kinda thought my kids would travel through the teen years happy and bubbly. I found out that thats not the reality and even mine have problems...duh on me.
This weekend we had a big talk about life and its dificulties. Talked about; double lives, boys, grief, problem solving, making decisions, leaving home, judging, friends, drugs, depression, suicide, comunication, feelings, the future, living in the now versus living for the paradise, baptism, my own life, loss of faith, God...to name the topics i can remember.
Just how does a kid get through life when they cant talk to their JW mother because they are just so blinded by the WT that they are incapable of really helping, when the only confidant is another teenager with their own fucked up life?
It's no easy task drawing out the concerns of a teenager thats for sure, and harder when they start to cry.
I love my kids so much, i just want to rescue them from this damn con job religion so they can actually begin to live a proper life free of all the judgementalism and narrow minded warp.
I, for one, can fully understand why some want to actively destroy the WT.
I know, this maybe hasnt made a lot of sense...I just spent two days trying to reach the heart and offer understanding to a sad little person. But, at least they know how much i care and that i will never judge them or call them stupid, idiot or rebelious, or tell them that the solution to whatever is pray harder and have a bible study...
And now i am sad.
I know i reached the heart and got some opening up.
its too easy for kids to just say ''i dunno, not much, nuffin' '' etc when you ask them questions, so getting to the bottom of stuff is rewarding...
but you have to be prepared to hear stuff you dont like.
I need some advice and help.
There is going to be a 'shit fight at the it's not OK correl' soon, i know it.
Many are aware of my efforts to rescue my kids from the evilness that is the Wt. I am reaching my daughter and hearing things that are disturbing to me. Today i found out that she has doubts about the JWs (partly due to me) and says its because she has found out they lie and some things dont add up. She no longer wants to go to meetings and witnessing but is scared of hurting her mother. (who she lives with) She is torn with feelings of guilt and being a bad person for wanting to be a 'worldy'.
She wants to be a 'normal' girl and not a JW girl. This as i am sure many of you know would cause severe stress and depression in anyone, let alone a kid.
Its tough as i only see her every two weeks, but i have got her consent to talk about her doubts and many other issues next time i see her. She was under the impression that if she stopped meetings her mother would have to shun her, thankfully i sorted that misconception out today. (she is not baptised). Her mother will be one of the 'our house our rules' type.
I am feeling strongly that the only way she can do this may be to live with me. This will not need to disrupt her schooling nor move her away from friends. BUT it will start WW3. There will be NO NEGOTIATION fron the ex, that is not her style. the only way i can see to do this is to get my legal ducks in order, notify the local police and not take her home on the sunday afternoon. I know that within the hour of being late, she will call the police. She is of legal age to choose her custodial parent, but the ex will not let this be an easy thing. If my daughter is not able to face her mother, i will do it.
Perhaps i need to take her to a counselor for help and legal/professional backup?
How do i navigate the world of helping her see through the fog of pain about something that should be simple? ie; just to be free to be a normal person.
It tears me up to learn the devastion that so called religions like the JWs can wreak on young people who because of age and inexperiance can see no way out of the inner turmoil.
Have you been through this? Have you had to take custody of your kid? If you are a teen, how did you tell your JW parent?
As many of you know, i don't see my teenage son much these days... friends more fun then dad, you know. But last time he was here we had a little chat about his life and decisions. See, he knows he should be looking deep at the JWs and doesnt want to. He said he won't listen. His JW girlfriend just changed he life irrovacably yesterday by getting baptised... anyway, i digress a little, in our chat he re promised to never shun me, my reply, in a 'fun' tone was to tell him if he does he can expect me on his doorstep to give him a slappin'. We shall see what the future holds but i see him dunked inside a year. He also promised to bring her around to meet me when it gets more serious...i have some stuff to say at that time you see...
Anyway, daughter is still much more inclined to listen. She mentioned on her visit that when they were little they used to play 'baptise, un-baptise' in the bath. I remarked how sadly that didnt work in real life. She is very well aware of just what baptism really means for teenagers. We had another great this weekend and i sugested she read crises of conscience (I leave a copy in her bedroom) She said she'll take it home to read... I had to strongly suggest she not! I said, darling, that would be like taking satan home as your date! You see, the JWs hate that book more than any other. So she said she'll read it here...
We got onto the internet and she remarked that her mum hates the internet. I explained that many JWs do. They are scared of it and they should be! She hears the talks at the conventions warning about social network sites. They are scared because they can't control it and the truth about the 'truth' bring posted on it, that they will even shut down pro JW sites because they are scared of witnesses talking to each other.
She was telling me about some interesting people at the public talk at the convention. A big bikey with 'two beards', a guy with long dreadlocks, lots of piercings and a cross tattooed on his face and a rockabilly girl complete with betty page hair and 50s dress. I asked her what she felt when she saw them...jealous! See she wants to be like them...well, not a hairy biker, but different to the 'normals'. I remarked that if they keep going, i'd give them six months and they'll be in beige cardigans like the rest of them. But, they might have been raised as jws and just go along sometimes to keep family happy. I told her i could never go back because they wouldnt have me unless i got a boring haircut and hid my titty tattoos, not to mention having to clean my brain out...she wants to be emo with crazy hair and lip piercings, she has a stretcher (a bullet shell) in one ear. How the hell she gets away with that i don't know! But she said if she came home with 'smake bite' (lip piercings) her step father would refuse to let her in the house. I remarked how sad that was, that can cause kids to run away from home and fortunatly for her, if she ever does'nt want to live under that roof she has a home with me. He is no doubt one of these 'my house my rules' fellows.
anyway, we have a magazine at home with an article on burlesque performers in Oz, one being in melbourne who was raised as a JW and left it obviously. Her mother helps with the costumes nowdays, so i presume she never got baptised...something not lost on daughter (has read it) as i reminded her, if you dont get baptised they can't be made to shun you. It did lead to talking about how they practice 'marking', something she thought was pretty bad after i explained that if she was seen to be rebelious, other parents might mark her and not let their kids hang with her.
I do believe she is biding her time now, waiting for the right time. She still does not want to do the JW thing and i am glad that she is not getting depressed about it now. She now has coping skills and me to lean on. We talked on not just going with the JW flow as I did. I encourage her to see now as the time in her life to sort this stuff out, but not to 'hurry', just quietly work it out. We talked about not getting 10 or 15 years down the road before acting on her teenage questions and desires. Her brother will do that, and i dont want that for her.
I just wanted to let those interested to know how things are with them. I am so proud of them both, even if he never listens. My girl is so brave and has had the guts to open up to me. When i told her this, her smile could have powered a city for a month.
Thanks, promises
I'm ok about the boy, I just want his happiness, even if it is at my cost. His girl makes him happy as does his plans so thats all that matters. If his life turns to crap one day because of the JWs i will be there to help pick up the pieces.
And sizemick, I am sure she'll 'rebel' in her mothers eyes but in mine she's just wanting to be her authentic self. Just as well they can't stone her!
If you have kids locked inside the WT, dont ever give up.
One day, i hope my threads might help other members sort through their own minefield of parenting JW teens...
I hope i do ok you know, i realize there is no certainty but i will always know i gave it my best shot. Sometimes i wish i had stayed with their mother so i could have seen them all the time, but i know inside that i was such a screw up way back when that i may not even be alive today for them if i had.
I will have to talk to the boy next time i see him about the so called 'unequal yoking' situation, as well as, frankly, some stuff he tells me about them together could now be used to disfellowship her if they are not really really careful. Cue an old chat we had about this situation...
My daughter is 80 pages into COC.
It will probably take a few visits to get through it. I let her know that it speaks of things before her time, but that i was 'in' back then and remember some of the things written about.