That sweet, tingling feeling you get, no matter how hard life is at the time, when you remember that you're free.
That feeling reminds you that it's okay to not be sure about everything and it's okay to love persons even if they don't read the same literature or hold the same views as you.
It's okay to make mistakes because the people who love you will not pull back their love and association because of it.
The persons who are around you genuinely love you and are not just trying to portray 'love' because it looks good to 'potential' sheep.
It's even okay to try new things and it isn't a bad thing when you're actually enjoying life.
I don't have to try to be someone that i'm not and my worth is not, not...
My worth is not measured by a number on a piece of paper.
I can go through life at my own pace and i can be different.
That feeling reminds me that i can be MYSELF!
I know that you get that feeling also. I KNOW IT! What does it remind you of?