Just announced on Sky News the Pope has resigned.
The Pope has resigned,
by Prefect 69 Replies latest watchtower bible
In his statement he says it is for ill-health. Hmmmm.
I would much rather see a Thread title on here that says "Governing Body" resigns.
Still, as the WT model themselves on the Catholic Church of Rome perhaps they may follow his lead ?
....... Nah.
Good riddance to an odious man.
He has ruled briefly over a church that in its corruption, child abuse, misogyny, homophobia and authoritarianism makes the GB look like amateurs.
Pope resigns, saying no longer has strength to fulfill ministry Reuters ?- 41 minutes ago ROME (Reuters) - Pope Benedict said on Monday he will resign on Feb 28 because he no longer has the strength to fulfill the duties of his
If only 8 men in Brooklyn could follow his lead.
Does a pope who resigns get to remain a cardinal? Will he get to vote on who is the next pope? Or is he too old anyway? I seem to remember there is an age limit.
I actually quite liked him. He is a scholar and a thoughtful man, and he has a cool accent when speaking German. I especially liked the fact that he invited his old adversary and one time friend Hans Kung for a meal when he became pope. It would have been like the governing body inviting Raymond Franz or Carl Olof Jonsson for a meal.
It is just about possible he is resigning to avoid more scandal I suppose. But unless evidence in that direction emerges I would be inclined to accept his explanation at face value.
bats in the belfry
cedars >>
If only 8 men in Brooklyn could follow his lead.
Exactly my sentiments.
If only "God's rottweiler" in Brooklyn would do the same .
Link: Pope Benedict surprises world, steps down citing frailty
The last time a pope resigned was in 1415. Back then Pope Gregory XII pronounced the resignation, which the cardinals accepted. However, the last time a Pope resigned voluntarily, was Celestine V in 1294.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
He resigned just after breakfast, which was of course ex-Benedict - get it? ex-Benedict? eggs-benedict - oh never mind.
The guy is 85 years old. He wanted to be king, he did it, he's tired.
Sure, they just don't do that. But he would rather not find the strength to do the occasional things he's expected to do.
What would be wonderful in this kind of case would be a resignation because he learned the truth about the crap he's promoting.