Short Introduction and Reply to Lazarus
by Fading Begins 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Fading Begins
Further to my above comment, I found this poem my Mom sent to me on Dec. 03, 2002. I think when you read it you may have a greater appreciation as to why some of us decide to hang around even though we have been fading. Keep in mind that my Mom had 5 kids in 7 years, (before she was 24) one very sick with cystic fybrosis, who later died. She does have regrets about how much time went to studying etc. This is a woman, that never kisssed her kids goodnight, didn't hug, didn't touch, so I am sure this was very hard for her to send to me, her oldest.
To My Grownup Daughter
My hands were busy through the day,
I didn't have much time to play,
The little things you asked me to,
I didn't have much time for you.
I'd wash your clothes, I'd sew and cook,
But when you'd bring your picture book,
And ask me please, to share your fun,
I'd say a little later dear.
I'd tuck you in, all safe at night,
Hear your prayers, turn out the light,
Then tiptoe softly to the door,
And wish I'd stayed a minute more,
Her precious secrets to confide.
The picture books are put away,
There are no longer games to play,
No good night kiss, no prayers to hear,
That all belongs to yester-year.
My hands once busy, now are still,
The days are long and hard to fill,
Now I wish I'd done for you,
All the little things you asked me to.
She signed it "Everything I feel, is said here to you. I know you understand my regrets, I love you, Mom"
This is why going to a meeting every few months doesn't upset me, or make me feel I'm lacking in integrity or love of truth. My love and protection of my Mom, is more important than making a "stand", being labeled an apostate, forcing the borg to DF me, and leaving my Mom alone in the hands of this disgusting, immoral, crooked organization.
Wow, that got the tears rolling!
Bless your heart.
Hey fading, my daughter has CF, it's very tough, thanks for sharing your perspective
Hello Fading: you express wondefully the sentiments of those of us that willingly stick around for the love of our elderly parents. Thanks for sharing.
Fading Begins
Thanks everyone. Pickler - most people do not have any idea how terrible CF is. It seems to be one of those diseases that stays under the radar of public awareness. My sister had to be in an oxygen tent a lot of nites to just keep breathing. My heart goes out to you and your family. My prayers are with you and your daughter.
Fading Begins
Fading Begins
I'm glad the elders don't hassle you, it would be a lot tougher if they constantly belittled you and highlighted your failings when it comes to being a 'good publisher'. How sad for your mom too to have lost 2 of her children, I understand why you want to stay for her, and am glad you can do it on your terms.