ONLY THOSE WITH 15000 posts or more!!!!!!!!!! ARE you kidding? EVERYONE!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia 25 Replies latest jw friends
ONLY THOSE WITH 15000 posts or more!!!!!!!!!! ARE you kidding? EVERYONE!
Flying High, I know a drink, we use Kalluah, Irish Creme and Vodka and a small amount of heavy cream. I will look up the specifics on this drink, I think it's called a "Tan Ferrari" hybrid.
any hot babes ... still single ladies ... your big chance is still waiting to happen ..
Anyone, really. Even better if it were the giggly stuff and we could make fun of all the nonsense! There are a few fellow Pink Floyd and Moody Blues fans that would be cool to party with. Keep in mind the closest thing most of the "raised in the truth" (ugh) have gotten to partying is having a "get together" (double ugh) to commemorate a graduation, birth or anniversary.
I'll bring the green!
I love socialising and soirees, but not a partaker of the green stuff. Absolutely hate the taste and the feeling of smoke in my throat. I'll bring my guitar though.
Well, well... so, when're ya in the SF area next, dear Arabian Trees (peace to you!) - I know a GREAT pub or two round these parts... and even better coffee and dessert venues. Drop me a PM when you're headed this way and I'll treat (you can get the tab when I'm in your town)!
Yeah, sure, bring the others along. Yeah, even Las Malvinas (paz a usted!) tambien!
A doulos of Christ,
But someone named FlyingHighNow sounds like a real treasure at a party.
Thank you. I love people who are feeling relaxed and full of laughter. You know, when the hour has everyone giddy to the point of tears.
Arbole, that Tan Ferrari sounds delicious and kin to the White Russian. I rarely drink, but when I do I'm exponentially happier with each one.
I wanna smoke a big fatty with Tal.
Me, too,, YOU! If I make it down your way later this year, which I'm checking into now, that is a 'for sure' .. and I want to shoot some of those awesome guns you have!
there's quite a few I would like to meet, but the peeps I have gotten to know via PM and email, and talking on the phone... well, they of course would be priorities.
I'm in for raucous festivity with musical endeavors.
I'll bring me bass for jam possibilities and a little "inspiration" on the side
Good times...
Hey, roll one up for the zedster!