Wt would have you believe that having a purpose in your life makes you superior, the grander the purpose, the better YOU are. On the other hand, people without purposes are losers and deserve death soon at wt gods hands or lightening bolts or whatever.
Well, there are a lot of animals who have purposes. Are those animals better than purposeless humans? You decide. Polar bears have purposes, the main one being getting enough to eat to build up reserves to get through the next summer. They travel from 10 to 50 miles per day and swim 5 mile stretches in persuit of that purpose. The males also have the added purpose of humping any females that they may encounter. The female ploar bears have the additional purpose of feeding and protecting their little cubs.
Some bugs have purposes. One kind of bug stays burried underground for a yr. Then, at the purposed time, it pops out the surface w all the other bugs for its biggest propose of all - mating. They fly around, desperatly trying to mate. Once purpose acheived, the males fall dead. The females lay the eggs in the dirt, and cycle repeats.
Trees have purposes. Roooootsssss... Get waaaaterrrrr...